
Defined in carb/extras/MemoryUsage.h

enum carb::extras::MemoryScaleType

Names for the different types of common memory scales.

This covers both binary (ie: Mebibytes = 1,048,576 bytes) and decimal (ie: Megabytes = 1,000,000 bytes) size scales.


enumerator eBinaryScale

Name for the binary memory size scale.

This is commonly used in operating systems and software. All scale names are powers of 1024 bytes and typically use the naming convention of using the suffix “bibytes” and the first two letters of the prefix of its decimal counterpart. For example, “mebibytes” instead of “megabytes”.

enumerator eDecimalScale

Name for the decimal memory size scale.

This is commonly used in hardware size descriptions. All scale names are powers of 1000 byes and typically use the Greek size prefix followed by “Bytes”. For example, “megabytes”, “petabytes”, “kilobytes”, etc.