
Defined in carb/Framework.h

void carb::quickReleaseFrameworkAndTerminate(int exitCode)

Releases the Carbonite framework immediately and exits the process, without running C/C++ atexit() registered functions or static destructors.

This function performs the following sequence:

  1. Calls OnPluginQuickShutdownFn on all loaded plugins, if the framework is acquired.

  2. Calls any AtExitFn registered in reverse order from registration, if the framework is acquired.

  3. Flushes stdout/stderr.

  4. Calls TerminateProcess() on Windows or _exit() on Linux.

Thread Safety

May be called from any thread.


This function does not return.


This function must not be called from within a DLL, shared object, or plugin.


exitCode – The exit code that the process will exit with.