
Defined in carb/Types.h

struct carb::PluginRegistryEntry2

Defines a struct to be filled by a plugin to provide the framework with all information about it. This struct is automatically created and filled by the macro CARB_PLUGIN_IMPL.

Public Members

size_t sizeofThisStruct

Must reflect sizeof(PluginRegistryEntry2); used as a version for this struct.

PluginImplDesc implDesc

Textual information about the plugin (name, desc, etc).

Interface2 *interfaces

Pointer to an array of interfaces implemented by the plugin.

size_t interfaceCount

Number of interfaces in the interfaces array.

struct Interface2

Entry in an array of interfaces implemented by the plugin.

Public Members

size_t sizeofThisStruct

Must reflect sizeof(Interface2); used as a version for this struct.

InterfaceDesc desc

An interface in the plugin.

size_t size

Required size for the interface.

size_t align

Required alignment for the interface.

void (*Constructor)(void*)

Constructor function.

void (*Destructor)(void*)

Destructor function.