
Defined in carb/audio/IAudioUtils.h

struct carb::audio::TranscodeDesc

A descriptor for transcoding between PCM formats, which is used for the transcodePcm() function.

Public Members

TranscodeFlags flags = 0

Flags for the transcoding operation.

This must be 0 as no flags are currently defined.

SampleFormat inFormat

The format of the input data.

This must be a PCM format.

SampleFormat outFormat

The data format that will be written into outBuffer.

This must be a PCM format.

const void *inBuffer

The input buffer to be transcoded.

Audio in this buffer is interpreted as inFormat. This must be long enough to hold samples samples of audio data in inFormat.

void *outBuffer

The output buffer to receive the transcoded data.

Audio will be transcoded from inBuffer into outBuffer in outFormat. This must be long enough to hold samples samples of audio data in outFormat. This may not alias or overlap inBuffer.

size_t samples

The number of samples of audio to transcode.

Note that for multichannel audio, this is the number of frames multiplied by the channel count.

void *ext = nullptr

reserved for future expansion.

This must be set to nullptr.