Tasking Overview


In a world of increasing multi-processing computing, it is important to take advantage of additional CPUs to perform parallel work. However, creating threads is tedious and individual threads have a cost to start and tear down. It is therefore highly recommended to create a pool of threads to perform a vast array of small individual tasks. Enter the carb.tasking plugin.

Quick Start

The carb.tasking plugin is very powerful, but can be very simple to use. Similar to std::thread, nearly all of the carb::tasking::ITasking::addTask() variant functions support std::invoke-style bind parameters. They can be given functors, function pointers, member-function pointers, or lambdas. Here is a simple example of queuing a lambda:

auto tasking = carb::getCachedInterface<carb::tasking::ITasking>();

auto future = tasking->addTask(carb::tasking::Priority::eDefault, {}, [] {
    // This runs in a fiber within a task thread!

    // Suspend ourself until a result is ready

    // Woken with wakeTask()! Return the result.

    return getAsyncResult();


// Wait for the task to complete and return
auto result = future.get();

You could even create many hundreds or thousands of “persistent tasks”–tasks that run periodically, then sleep for a bit:

tasking->addTask(carb::tasking::Priority::eDefault, {}, &NPC::brain, this);

void NPC::brain()
    while (!done)
        // Do thinking for this NPC

        // Wait until the next time we should wake up and think


ITasking is a fiber-based tasking system. This means that each task you add to the system has its own full stack until the task ends. This also means that tasks have a rich functionality feature-set and can do things like block on I/O or sleep without affecting a thread of execution.

graph LR task1{Task 1} --> fiber1 fiber1{Fiber} -.-> thr[ Thread Pool. ] task2{Task 2} --> fiber2 fiber2{Fiber} -.-> thr task3{Task 3} --> fiber3 fiber3{Fiber} -.-> thr classDef bold font-weight:bold,stroke-width:4px; class thr bold