
Defined in carb/variant/VariantTypes.h

template<class T, class Enable = void>
struct Translator

Default implementation of a Translator type.

Translator structs provide a VTable and instruct the Variant system in how the VariantData::data member is to be interpreted for conversion to-and-from C++ types.

All Translator specializations must provide three functions:

  • RString type() const noexcept - Retrieves the registered name of the type known to IVariant via IVariant::registerType(). The v-table will be looked up via translate().

  • void* data(T&&) const noexcept - This function must convert the given value to a void* representation that is stored in the VariantData struct. If this function allocates memory it should be from carb::allocate() or originate within the plugin that contains the VTable::Destructor() function that will be freeing the memory.

  • T value(void*) const noexcept - This function is the opposite of the data() functionit converts the void* value from VariantData::data and converts it back to type T.

Translator specializations are present for the following built-in types:

  • std::nullptr_t.

    • Does not convert to any other type.

    • Is only equal with other std::nullptr_t types.

  • bool

    • Can be convert to any integral type (will produce 0 or 1).

    • Will be equal with integer values of 0 or 1.

  • Integral types (8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit; signed and unsigned).

    • Will convert to any other integral type as long as the value is representable in that type. For instance, a Variant(-1) would fail to convert to unsigned, and Variant(999) would fail to convert to uint8_t, but Variant(uint64_t(-1)) would convert just fine to int8_t.

    • Equality checks follow the same rules as conversion.

    • Not convertible to floating point due to potential data loss.

    • Convertible to bool only if the value is 0 or 1.

  • float and double

    • Will convert to each other, but will not convert to integral types due to potential data loss.

    • Equality checks follows conversion rules, but will compare as the larger type.

  • omni::string

    • Convertible to const char*, but this value must only be used transientlyit is equivalent to c_str() and follows the same rules for lifetime of the pointer from c_str().

    • Equality compares via operator == for omni::string, and comparable with [const] char*.

  • const char*

    • Stores the pointer, so memory lifetime must be longer than the Variant.

    • Accepts a char* but stored as a const char*; any attempts to convert to char* will fail.

    • Attempts to copy a Variant containing a const char* just copy the same pointer, so the lifetime guarantee must include these copies as well.

    • Comparable with omni::string.

  • dictionary::Item*

    • Stores the pointer, so memory lifetime must be longer than the Variant.

    • Copying the variant will trivially copy the pointer.

    • Comparison will trivially compare the pointer.

  • carb::Strong (Carbonite strong types)

    • Auto-converts to and from the underlying numeric type (i.e. int, size_t, etc.), so it will lose the type safety of the strong type.

    • Comparable with similar numeric types.

  • VariantArray* / VariantArrayPtr

    • Comparable only with other VariantArray types, by pointer value.

    • Hashes based on the pointer value, not the contained values.

    • Variants containing this type always hold a reference.

  • VariantMap* / VariantMapPtr

    • Comparable only with other VariantMap types, by pointer value.

    • Hashes based on the pointer value, not the contained values.

    • Variants containing this type always hold a reference.

  • RString / RStringU / RStringKey / RStringUKey


The default template does not provide the above functions which will allow compile to fail for unrecognized types. Translations are available through specializations only.

tparam T

The type handled by the specialization.

tparam Enable

A template parameter that can be used for SFINAE.