
↰ Parent directory: omni/core/

Helper macros to provide assertion checking macros.

Source: omni/core/Assert.h

Included By


  • omni: Main namespace for Omniverse.

  • omni::core: Core functionality for Omniverse Interfaces.


  • OMNI_ASSERT: Like std::assert. Basically OMNI_FATAL_UNLESS, but compiles to a no-op in debug builds.

  • OMNI_ASSERT_ENABLED: Set to 1 to indicate that assertion checks are enabled. Set to 0 if assertion checks will just be ignored. This value will always be defined regardless of the current mode.

  • OMNI_CHECK: Checks if the given condition is true, if not, the given optional message is printed to stdout and the program is terminated.

  • OMNI_CHECK_ENABLED: Indicates whether runtime checking is enabled. For the time being this is always set to 1 indicating that the default implementation should not be overridden. This may change in the future.

  • OMNI_FATAL_UNLESS: This macro is surprisingly complex mainly because it accepts a variable number of arguments. If a single argument is given, a message in the following form is printed: