
Defined in carb/filesystem/IFileSystem.h

struct carb::filesystem::IFileSystem

Defines a file system for Carbonite.

This interface provides a number of useful platform independent functions when working with files and folders in a file system. All paths are in UTF-8 encoding using forward slash as path separator.

On Windows, the maximum path of 32767 characters is supported. However, path components can’t be longer than 255 characters. Linux has a maximum filename length of 255 characters for most filesystems (including EXT4), and a maximum path of 4096 characters.

Public Types

typedef WalkAction (*OnDirectoryItemFn)(const DirectoryItemInfo *const info, void *userData)

User implemented callback function type for directory iteration.

  • Info – about a file. See DirectoryItemInfo

  • userData – Any data that needs to be passed to the function for managing state across function calls, etc.


one of the WalkAction enum values to instruct forEachDirectoryItem[Recursive] on how to proceed.

Public Functions

inline std::string makeCanonicalPath(const char *path, const char *base = nullptr, CanonicalFlags flags = fCanonicalFlagCheckExists)

Helper function over makeCanonicalPathEx2() to use it with std::string.

inline bool setFilePositionBegin(File *file)

helper functions to move to the beginning or end of an open file.


These move the file pointer to the beginning or end of the file. These are just convenience helper functions built on top of setFilePosition().


file[in] the file stream to rewind or jump to the end of.


true if the file pointer is successfully returned to the beginning or end of the file.


false if the file pointer could not be repositioned.

inline bool setFilePositionEnd(File *file)

helper functions to move to the beginning or end of an open file.


These move the file pointer to the beginning or end of the file. These are just convenience helper functions built on top of setFilePosition().


file[in] the file stream to rewind or jump to the end of.


true if the file pointer is successfully returned to the beginning or end of the file.


false if the file pointer could not be repositioned.

Public Members

const char *(*getExecutablePath)()

Returns the full path to the executable for this program.


The full canonical path to the executable, including executable name and extension. This path will not change for the lifetime of the process.

const char *(*getExecutableDirectoryPath)()

Returns the full path to the directory that contains the executable for this program.


the full canonical path to the directory that contains the executable file. This will not include the executable filename itself. This path will not change for the lifetime of the process.

const char *(*getAppDirectoryPath)()

Retrieves the full path to the ‘app’.


Access to the application directory string is not thread safe. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure the application path is not being modified from another thread while it is being retrieved.


the buffer containing the application path string. The contents of this buffer will be modified by any call to setAppDirectoryPath(). The buffer itself will persist for the lifetime of the framework.

void (*setAppDirectoryPath)(const char *path)

Sets the full path to the ‘app’.


path[in] the relative or absolute path to the ‘app’. If a relative path is used, this will be resolved relative to the current working directory.


no return value.

const char *(*getCurrentDirectoryPath)()

Returns the full path to the current working directory.


Retrieving the current working directory is not thread safe. Since only a single working directory is maintained for each process, it could be getting changed from another thread while being retrieved. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that all access to the current working directory is safely serialized.


the buffer containing the current working directory path string. The contents of this buffer will be modified by any call to [gs]etCurrentDirectoryPath(). The buffer itself will persist for the lifetime of the framework.

bool (*setCurrentDirectoryPath)(const char *path)

Sets the current working directory for the system.


Setting or retrieving the current working directory is not thread safe. Since the current working directory is global to the process, the caller is responsible for guaranteeing that the working directory will not change while attempting to retrieve it.


path[in] the new current working directory path. This may be a relative or absolute path. This must name a directory that already exists. This name must not exist as a file on the file system. This may not be nullptr.


true if the new working directory is successfully set.


false if the new working directory could not be set.

bool (*exists)(const char *path)

Tests whether the path provided exists in the file system.


path – The absolute or relative path to test for existence. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


true if and only if ‘path’ exists in the file system.

bool (*isWritable)(const char *path)

Tests whether it’s possible to write to file with the provided path.


This accessibility check only answers the question of whether the user has permission to write to the file, not that an open for write will always succeed. At least on Windows, it is still possible that another thread or process could have the file open without write sharing capabilities. In this case, the caller should just do a test open of the file since that will answer the question of whether write sharing is currently allowed on the file. On Linux there isn’t any kernel enforced file sharing functionality so permission to the file should also imply the user will succeed to open it for write.


path – The absolute or relative path to test for writability. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


true if it’s possible to write to this file.

bool (*isDirectory)(const char *path)

Tests whether the path provided is a directory.


path – The absolute or relative path to test for existence. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


true if and only if ‘path’ is a directory.

size_t (*makeCanonicalPathEx)(const char *path, const char *base, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)

Use OS specific functions to build canonical path relative to the base root.

The path must exist.

If returned size is greater than passed bufferSize, then nothing is written to the buffer. If returned size is 0, then canonical path failed to be built or doesn’t exist.

  • path – The absolute or relative path to canonicalize.

  • base – The base path to resolve relative path against. This can be nullptrto use the working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()) to resolve the relative path.

  • buffer – The buffer to write the canonical path to. This may be nullptr if only the required size of the buffer is needed.

  • bufferSize – The size of the buffer buffer in bytes.


The number of bytes written to the buffer buffer if the buffer is large enough. If the buffer is not large enough, nothing will be written to the buffer and the required size of the buffer in bytes will be returned.

File *(*openFileToRead)(const char *path)

Opens a file for reading in binary mode.


This opens an existing file for reading. If the file does not exist, this will fail. A new file will never be created if the named file does not already exist. If a new file needs to be created, it must first be opened for write with openFileToWrite(), for read and write with openFileToReadWrite(), or for append with openFileToAppend(). The file pointer will initially be at the beginning of the file. All reads will occur starting from the current file pointer position.


path[in] The absolute or relative path for the file. This may not be nullptr. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


a new File object representing the opened file if the file exists and was able to be successfully opened for read. This object must be passed to closeFile() when it is no longer needed.


nullptr if the named file does not exist in the file system or another error occurred (ie: insufficient permissions, allocation failure, etc). A warning will be written to the default logger in this case.

File *(*openFileToWrite)(const char *path)

Opens a file for writing in binary mode.


This opens a file for writing. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the file does exist, it will always be truncated to an empty file. The file pointer will initially be positioned at the beginning of the file. All writes to the file will occur at the current file pointer position. If the file needs to be opened for writing without truncating its contents, it should be opened either for append access (ie: openFileToAppend()) or for read/write access (ie: openFileToReadWrite()).


path[in] The absolute or relative path for the file. This may not be nullptr. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


a new File object representing the opened file if successful. A new file will have been created if it previously did not exist. This object must be passed to closeFile() when it is no longer needed.


nullptr if the named file could neither be created nor opened. This may be the result of insufficient permissions to the file or an allocation failure. A warning will be written to the default logger in this case.

File *(*openFileToAppend)(const char *path)

Opens a file for appending in binary mode.


This opens a file for appending. If the file does not exist, it will always be created. The file pointer is initially positioned at the end of the file. All writes to the file will be performed at the end of the file regardless of the current file pointer position. If random access writes are needed, the file should be opened for read/write access (ie: openFileToReadWrite()) instead.


path[in] The absolute or relative path for the file. This may not be nullptr. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


a new File object representing the opened file if successful. A new file will have been created if it previously did not exist. This object must be passed to closeFile() when it is no longer needed.


nullptr if the named file could neither be created nor opened. This may be the result of insufficient permissions to the file or an allocation failure. A warning will be written to the default logger in this case.

void (*closeFile)(File *file)

Closes a file returned by any of the openFileTo*() functions.


This closes a file that was previously opened by a call to the openFileTo*() functions. The file object will be destroyed by this call and must not be used again.


file[in] the File object representing the file to be closed. This object will no longer be valid upon return and must not be used again. This object would have been returned by a previous openFileTo*() call.


no return value.

size_t (*getFileSize)(File *file)

Gets the total size of the file.


File – object corresponding to an open file.


The total size of the file in bytes.

time_t (*getFileModTime)(File *file)

Gets the time of last modification to the file.


file – object corresponding to an open file.


The time this file was last modified.

time_t (*getModTime)(const char *path)

Gets the time of last modification to the file or directory item at path.


path – The path to a file or directory item; relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


The time the item at ‘path’ was last modified.

time_t (*getFileCreateTime)(File *file)

Gets the time of creation of the file.


file – object corresponding to an open file.


The time this file was created.

time_t (*getCreateTime)(const char *path)

Gets the time of creation of the file or directory item at path.


path – The path to a file or directory item; relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


The time the item at ‘path’ was created.

size_t (*readFileChunk)(File *file, void *chunk, size_t chunkSize)

Reads a chunk of binary data from a file.

  • file – Object corresponding to an open file for reading in binary mode.

  • chunk – Memory to read the binary data to, at least chunkSize bytes large.

  • chunkSize – Number of bytes to read from file into ‘chunk’ memory area.


Number of bytes read, this can be less than requested ‘chunkSize’ when reading the last bytes of data. Will return 0 when all data has been read from the file.

size_t (*writeFileChunk)(File *file, const void *chunk, const size_t chunkSize)

Writes a chunk of binary data to a file.

  • file – An open file for writing in binary mode.

  • chunk – The memory buffer to write to the file.

  • chunkSize – Number of bytes from ‘chunk’ to write to the file.


the number of bytes successfully written to the file. This can be less than the requested chunkSize if an error occurs (ie: disk full).


0 if no data could be written to the file.

char *(*readFileLine)(File *file, char *line, size_t maxLineSize)

Reads a line of character data from a text file (without including the line ending characters \r or \n).


This function considers a \n by itself to be a line ending, as well as \r\n. A \r by itself is not considered a line ending. The line endings are consumed from the file stream but are not present in the result.


For maxLineSize of 0, nullptr is always returned without any change to the file read pointer. For maxLineSize of 1 when not at end-of-file, line will only contain a NUL terminator and if a line ending is at the start of the file stream it will be consumed.

  • file – A file returned from openFileToRead() or openFileToReadWrite().

  • line – The string that will receive the read line. Unlike fgets(), the result will NOT end with any line ending characters (\n or \r\n), but they will be consumed from the file stream.

  • maxLineSize – The maximum number of characters that can be read into line, including NUL terminator. If the buffer is exhausted before end-of-line is reached the buffer will be NUL terminated and thus still a proper C-style string but won’t necessarily contain the full line from the file.


Returns line on each successful read, or nullptr if file is at end-of-file.

bool (*writeFileLine)(File *file, const char *line)

Writes a line of characters to a text file.

  • file – An file returned from openFileToWrite() or openFileToAppend().

  • line – The null-terminated string to write. A newline will always be appended to the string in the file if it is successfully written.


true if the string is successfully written to the file.


false if the full string could not be written to the file.

void (*flushFile)(File *file)

Flushes any unwritten data to the file.

When a file is closed, either by calling closeFile or during program termination, all the associated buffers are automatically flushed.


file – An open file for writing or appending.

bool (*removeFile)(const char *path)

Removes (deletes) a file.


path[in] The path of the file to be removed. This must not have any open file objects on it otherwise the operation will fail.


true if the file was removed from the file system.


false if the file could not be removed. This is often caused by either having the file still open by either the calling process or another process, or by not having sufficient permission to delete the file.

bool (*makeTempDirectory)(char *pathBuffer, size_t bufferSize)

Make a temporary directory.

The directory is created under the system temporary directory area and will have a randomized name.

  • pathBuffer – The buffer that will receive the full path to the created directory. This may not be nullptr.

  • bufferSize – The size of the buffer for storing the path. This size also includes the null terminator for the string. If this is too small to store the output path.


true if the creation was successful and a path to the newly created temporary directory was returned in pathBuffer. On success, the temporary directory is guaranteed to exist and be writable by the caller. The caller is responsible for removing this directory when it is no longer needed.


false if the temporary directory could not be created for any reason. In this case, the pathBuffer buffer will not be modified and its contents will be undefined.

bool (*makeDirectory)(const char *path)

Make a single directory.


This attempts to make a single new directory entry. All path components leading up to the new path must already exist for this to be expected to succeed. The path may already exist and this call will still succeed.


Note that this operation is global to the system. There is no control over what other threads or processes in the system may be simultaneously doing to the named path. It is the caller’s responsibility to gracefully handle any potential failures due to the action of another thread or process.


There is a possible race condition with another thread or process creating the same path simultaneously. If this occurs, this call will still succeed in most cases. There is an additional rare possible race condition where the file or folder could also be deleted by an external thread or process after it also beat the calling thread to creating the path. In this case, this call will fail. For this to occur there would need to be the named path created then immediately destroyed externally.


This call itself is thread safe. However, the operation it performs may race with other threads or processes in the system. Since file system directories are global and shared by other processes, an external caller may create or delete the same directory as is requested here during the call. There is unfortunately no way to prevent this or make it safer since the creators or deleters of the path may not even be local to the system (ie: a network share operation was requested). The best a caller can do you be to guarantee its own threads do not simultaneously attempt to operate on the same path.


path – The path to the directory to create. Relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()). This may not be nullptr or an empty string.


true if the path did not previously exist and the creation as a folder was successful.


true if the path already existed as a directory.


false if the path already existed as a non-directory entry.


false if the path could not be created for a reason such as permission errors or an invalid path name being specified.

bool (*makeDirectories)(const char *path)

Make one or more directories.


This attempts to create one or more directories. All components listed in the path will be created if they do not already exist. If one of the path components already exists as a non-directory object, the operation will fail. If creating any of the intermediate path components fails, the whole operation will fail. If any of the components already exists as a directory, it will be ignored and continue with the operation.


This call itself is thread safe. The operation itself may have a race condition with other threads or processes however. Please see makeDirectory() for more information about these possible race conditions.


path – The path to the directory to create. Relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()). This may not be nullptr or an empty string.


true if the path did not previously exist and the creation as a folder was successful.


true if the path already existed as a directory.


false if the path already existed as a non-directory entry.


false if the path could not be created for a reason such as permission errors or an invalid path name being specified.

bool (*removeDirectory)(const char *path)

Remove a directory.


This will never follow symbolic links. The symbolic link will be removed, but its target will not.


On Windows, it is neither possible to remove the current working directory nor any directory containing it. This is because the Windows process holds an open handle to the current working directory without delete sharing permissions at all times. In order to remove the current working directory, the caller must first change the working directory to another valid path, then call removeDirectory(). On Linux, removing the current working directory is technically possible, however, doing so will leave the process in an undefined state since its working directory is no longer valid. Changing away from the working directory before calling this is still a good idea even on Linux.


path – The path to the directory to remove; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


true if the removal was successful, otherwise false.

bool (*copy)(const char *from, const char *to)

Copy a file.

  • from – The path to a file to copy; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).

  • to – The destination filename and path; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).

bool (*move)(const char *from, const char *to)

Moves (renames) a file or directory.

  • from – The path to a file or directory to rename; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).

  • to – The destination path; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).

void (*forEachDirectoryItem)(const char *path, OnDirectoryItemFn onDirectoryItem, void *userData)

Iterate through each item in the directory.

  • path – The path to the directory; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).

  • onDirectoryItem – The function to call for each directory item, see OnDirectoryItemFn type

  • userData – The user data passed to the callback function for each item.

void (*forEachDirectoryItemRecursive)(const char *path, OnDirectoryItemFn onDirectoryItem, void *userData)

Iterate through each item in the directory and recursive into subdirectories.


This will follow symbolic links.

  • path – The path to the directory; relative paths will be resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).

  • onDirectoryItem – The function to call for each directory item, see IFileSystem::DirectoryCallback type

  • userData – The user data passed to the callback function for each item.

SubscriptionId (*subscribeToChangeEvents)(const char *path, OnChangeEventFn onChangeEvent, void *userData)

Subscribes to listen on change events on a path.

  • path – The path to subscribe to.

  • onChangeEvent – The callback function to be called when the events are fired.

  • userData – The user data passed to the callback function for each item.


subscription id if the path was successfully subscribed to or nullptr otherwise.

void (*unsubscribeToChangeEvents)(SubscriptionId subscriptionId)

Unsubscribes from listening to change events on a path.


It is safe to call this from within the callback passed to subscribeToChangeEvents(). The function will not return until the subscription callback is guaranteed to be exited by all other threads.


subscription – Subscription id

int64_t (*getFilePosition)(File *file)

retrieves the current file pointer position for an open file.


This retrieves the current location of the file pointer in a file that has been opened for read, write, or append. The offset is always returned in bytes. The current file position may be beyond the end of the file if the file pointer was recently placed beyond the end of the file. However, this does not actually reflect the size of the file until at least one byte is written into it at the new position beyond the file’s end.


file[in] the file object to retrieve the current position for. This may have been opened for read or write. Files that were opened for append will always write at the end of the file regardless of the current file position. The file pointer’s current position is typically unused or undefined in the append case.


the current position in the file in bytes relative to the beginning.


-1 if the file’s position could not be retrieved.

bool (*setFilePosition)(File *file, int64_t offsetFromWhence, FileWhence whence)

sets the new file pointer position for an open file.


This attempts to reposition the file pointer in an open file. The new absolute position may not be negative once combined with whence. If the new absolute position is beyond the current end of the file, the file will not be extended until at least one byte is written into the file at that new position or the file is truncated at the current position with truncateFileAtCurrentPosition(). When it is written to or truncated with a larger size than previous, the new space will be filled with zeros. Note however, that if the file pointer is set beyond the end of the file, the getFilePosition() call will return that same position even though it is larger than the file currently is.

  • file[in] the file object to set the current position for. This may have been opened for read or write. Files that were opened for append will always write at the end of the file regardless of the current file position. The file pointer’s current position is typically unused or undefined in the append case.

  • offsetFromWhence[in] the new position for the file pointer relative to the location specified in whence. This value may be negative only if whence is not FileWhence::eBegin. This may specify an index beyond the current end of the file when combined with whence.

  • whence[in] the fixed location in the file to move the file pointer relative to.


true if the file position was successfully set.


false if the file position could not be set or was invalid.

bool (*truncateFileAtCurrentPosition)(File *file)

truncates a file at the current file position.


This truncates a file at the current file pointer position. This can be used to extend a file without needing to write anything to it by opening the file, setting the file pointer to the desired size with setFilePointer(), then calling this function to set the new end of the file. The new area of the file will be filled with zeros if it was extended. If the file is being shortened, all data in the file beyond the current file pointer will be removed.


file[in] the file to be truncated. This must have been opened for write or append.


true if the file was successfully truncated.


false if the file could not be truncated for any reason.

File *(*openFileToReadWrite)(const char *path)

opens the file for read and write in binary mode.


This opens a file for both read and write access. If the file already exists, it is not truncated. If the file does not exist, it will be created. The file pointer is initially placed at the beginning of the file. All writes to the file will occur at the current file pointer location.


path[in] the absolute or relative path to the file to open. This may not be nullptr. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()).


a new open file stream object if the file is successfully opened. This file object must be closed with closeFile() when it is no longer needed.


nullptr if the file could not be opened for any reason. This can occur if the file could not be created or there are insufficient permissions to access the file, or an allocation failure occurred. A warning will be written to the default logger in this case.

FileStatus (*getFileStatus)(File *file)

retrieves the current status of a file stream object.


This retrieves the current status of a file stream object. The status allows the caller to differentiate an error from an end-of-file condition for the last file operation. The error condition on the file will be reset after each operation after being stored for later retrieval. The file stream status value will remain valid until the next operation is performed on the file.


As with all other file operations, retrieving this status is not thread safe and could change if another thread performs an unprotected operation on the same stream. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure operations on the file stream are appropriately protected.


The file status will not be modified by calls to getFileSize(), getFileModTime(), flushFile(), or getFilePosition().


file[in] an open file stream to check the status of.


FileStatus::eOk if the file stream is still in a valid state and more read or write operation may potentially succeed.


FileStatus::eError if the file stream has encountered an error of any kind. This may include a partial write due to a full disk or a disk quota being reached.


FileStatus::eEof if a file stream opened for read has already read the last bytes in the file. A future call to readFile*() will simply return 0 or nullptr from the same file position.

bool (*getFileInfo)(const char *path, FileInfo *info)

fills the FileInfo struct with info about the given file.

  • path – The path to the file.

  • info – The struct populated with info about the file.


true if information was gathered. false if an error occurs.

time_t (*getCurrentTime)()

Returns the current time of the file system.

bool (*isReadable)(const char *path)

Tests whether it’s possible to read a file or directory.


This accessibility check only answers the question of whether the user has permission to read the file, not that an open for read will always succeed. At least on Windows, it is still possible that another thread or process could have the file open without read sharing capabilities. In this case, the caller should just do a test open of the file since that will answer the question of whether read sharing is currently allowed on the file. On Linux there isn’t any kernel enforced file sharing functionality so permission to the file should also imply the user will succeed to open it for read.


path – The absolute or relative path to test for readability. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory (as returned from the getCurrentDirectoryPath() function). This may not be nullptr or an empty string.


true if the given file or directory exists and is readable by the calling user. Returns false if the file or directory doesn’t exist or the user does not have permission to read from it. For a directory, readability represents permission to list the contents of the directory.

size_t (*makeCanonicalPathEx2)(const char *path, const char *base, CanonicalFlags flags, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)

Use OS specific functions to build canonical path relative to the base root.

The path must exist.

If returned size is greater than passed bufferSize, then nothing is written to the buffer. If returned size is 0, then canonical path failed to be built or doesn’t exist.


By default, this assumes that the requested file exists on the filesystem. On Linux, the existence of the file will still be checked as a side effect of the operation. On Windows however, no explicit check for the file existing in the filesystem will be performed unless the fCanonicalFlagCheckExists is used.

  • path – The absolute or relative path to canonicalize.

  • base – The base path to resolve relative path against. This can be nullptrto use the working directory (as returned from getCurrentDirectoryPath()) to resolve the relative path.

  • flags – Flags to control the behaviour of this operation.

  • buffer – The buffer to write the canonical path to. This may be nullptr if only the required size of the buffer is needed.

  • bufferSize – The size of the buffer buffer in bytes.


The number of bytes written to the buffer buffer if the buffer is large enough. If the buffer is not large enough, nothing will be written to the buffer and the required size of the buffer in bytes will be returned.

Public Static Functions

static inline carb::InterfaceDesc getInterfaceDesc()


The carb::InterfaceDesc struct with information about this interface.