
Defined in carb/audio/AudioStreamerUtils.h

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

class carb::audio::StreamerWrapper : public carb::audio::Streamer

wrapper base class to handle defining new streamer objects in C++ classes.

This base class handles all reference counting for the Streamer interface. Objects that inherit from this class should never be explicitly deleted. They should always be destroyed through the reference counting system. Each object that inherits from this will be created with a reference count of 1 meaning that the creator owns a single reference. When that reference is no longer needed, it should be released with release(). When all references are released, the object will be destroyed.

Direct instantiations of this wrapper class are not allowed because it contains pure virtual methods. Classes that inherit from this must override these methods in order to be used.

See these pages for more information:

Subclassed by carb::audio::EventStreamer, carb::audio::NullStreamer, carb::audio::OutputStreamer

Public Functions

inline StreamerWrapper()
inline void acquire()

acquires a single reference to this streamer object.


This acquires a new reference to this streamer object. The reference must be released later with release() when it is no longer needed. Each call to acquire() on an object must be balanced with a call to release(). When a new streamer object is created, it should be given a reference count of 1.


no return value.

inline void release()

releases a single reference to this streamer object.


This releases a single reference to this streamer object. If the reference count reaches zero, the object will be destroyed. The caller should assume the object to have been destroyed unless it is well known that other local references still exist.


no return value.

template<class Rep, class Period>
inline bool waitForClose(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration) noexcept

Wait until the close() call has been given.


If you disconnect a streamer via IAudioPlayback::setOutput(), the engine may not be stopped, so the streamer won’t be immediately disconnected. In cases like this, you should call waitForClose() if you need to access the streamer’s written data but don’t have access to the close() call (e.g. if you’re using an OutputStreamer).


duration[in] The duration to wait before timing out.


true if the close call has been given


false if the timeout was reached.

virtual bool open(SoundFormat *format) = 0

sets the suggested format for this stream output.


This sets the data format that the streamer will receive its data in. The streamer may change the data format to another valid PCM data format if needed. Note that if the streamer returns a data format that cannot be converted to by the processing engine, the initialization of the output will fail. Also note that if the streamer changes the data format, this will incur a small performance penalty to convert the data to the new format.


This will be called when the audio context is first created. Once the format is accepted by both the audio context and the streamer, it will remain constant as long as the processing engine is still running on that context. When the engine is stopped (or the context is destroyed), a Streamer::close() call will be performed signaling the end of the stream. If the engine is restarted again, another open() call will be performed to signal the start of a new stream.


This should not be called directly. This will be called by the audio processing engine when this streamer object is first assigned as an output on an audio context.


format[inout] on input, this contains the suggested data format for the stream. On output, this contains the accepted data format. The streamer may make some changes to the data format including the data type, sample rate, and channel count. It is strongly suggested that the input format be accepted since that will result in the least amount of processing overhead. The format, channels, frameRate, and bitsPerSample members must be valid upon return. If the streamer changes the data format, only PCM data formats are acceptable.


true if the data format is accepted by the streamer.


false if the streamer can neither handle the requested format nor can it change the requested format to something it likes.

virtual StreamState writeData(const void *data, size_t bytes) = 0

writes a buffer of data to the stream.


This writes a buffer of data to the streamer. The streamer is responsible for doing something useful with the audio data (ie: write it to a file, write it to a memory buffer, stream it to another voice, etc). The caller of this function is not interested in whether the streamer successfully does something with the data - it is always assumed that the operation is successful.


This must execute as quickly as possible. If this call takes too long to return and the output is going to a real audio device (through the streamer or some other means), an audible audio dropout could occur. If the audio context is executing in non-realtime mode (ie: baking audio data), this may take as long as it needs only at the expense of making the overall baking process take longer.


This should not be called directly. This will be called by the audio processing engine when a buffer of new data is produced.

  • data[in] the audio data being written to the streamer. This data will be in the format that was decided on in the call to open() during the context creation or the last call to setOutput(). This buffer will not persist upon return. The implementation must copy the contents of the buffer if it still needs to access the data later.

  • bytes[in] the number of bytes of valid data in the buffer data.


StreamState::eNormal if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data production rate should continue at the current rate.


StreamState::eMore if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data production rate should be temporarily increased.


StreamState::eLess if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data production rate should be temporarily reduced.


StreamState::eCritical if the data was written successfully to the streamer and more data needs to be provided as soon as possible.


StreamState::eMuchLess if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data rate needs to be halved.

virtual void close() = 0

closes the stream.


This signals that a stream has been finished. This occurs when the engine is stopped or the audio context is destroyed. No more calls to writeData() should be expected until the streamer is opened again.


This should not be called directly. This will be called by the audio processing engine when audio processing engine is stopped or the context is destroyed.


no return value.

Public Members

void (*acquireReference)(Streamer *self)

acquires a single reference to a Streamer object.


This acquires a new reference to a Streamer object. The reference must be released later with releaseReference() when it is no longer needed. Each call to acquireReference() on an object must be balanced with a call to releaseReference(). When a new streamer object is created, it should be given a reference count of 1.


self[in] the object to take the reference of.


no return value.

void (*releaseReference)(Streamer *self)

releases a single reference to a Streamer object.


This releases a single reference to a Streamer object. If the reference count reaches zero, the object will be destroyed.


self[in] the object to release a reference to. The object may be destroyed if it was the last reference that was released. The caller should consider the object invalid upon return unless it is known that additional local references still exist on it.


no return value.

bool (*openStream)(Streamer *self, SoundFormat *format)

sets the suggested format for the stream output.


This sets the data format that the streamer will receive its data in. The streamer may change the data format to another valid PCM data format if needed. Note that if the streamer returns a data format that cannot be converted to by the processing engine, the initialization of the output will fail. Also note that if the streamer changes the data format, this will incur a small performance penalty to convert the data to the new format.


This will be called when the audio context is first created. Once the format is accepted by both the audio context and the streamer, it will remain constant as long as the processing engine is still running on that context. When the engine is stopped (or the context is destroyed), a Streamer::close() call will be performed signaling the end of the stream. If the engine is restarted again, another open() call will be performed to signal the start of a new stream.

  • self[in] the streamer object to open the stream for. This will not be nullptr.

  • format[inout] on input, this contains the suggested data format for the stream. On output, this contains the accepted data format. The streamer may make some changes to the data format including the data type, sample rate, and channel count. It is strongly suggested that the input format be accepted since that will result in the least amount of processing overhead. The format, channels, frameRate, and bitsPerSample members must be valid upon return. If the streamer changes the data format, only PCM data formats are acceptable.


true if the data format is accepted by the streamer.


false if the streamer can neither handle the requested format nor can it change the requested format to something it likes.

StreamState (*writeStreamData)(Streamer *self, const void *data, size_t bytes)

writes a buffer of data to the stream.


This writes a buffer of data to the streamer. The streamer is responsible for doing something useful with the audio data (ie: write it to a file, write it to a memory buffer, stream it to another voice, etc). The caller of this function is not interested in whether the streamer successfully does something with the data - it is always assumed that the operation is successful.


This must execute as quickly as possible. If this call takes too long to return and the output is going to a real audio device (through the streamer or some other means), an audible audio dropout could occur. If the audio context is executing in non-realtime mode (ie: baking audio data), this may take as long as it needs only at the expense of making the overall baking process take longer.

  • self[in] the streamer object to write a buffer of data into. This will not be nullptr.

  • data[in] the audio data being written to the streamer. This data will be in the format that was decided on in the call to open() during the context creation or the last call to setOutput(). This buffer will not persist upon return. The implementation must copy the contents of the buffer if it still needs to access the data later.

  • bytes[in] the number of bytes of valid data in the buffer data.


StreamState::eNormal if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data production rate should continue at the current rate.


StreamState::eMore if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data production rate should be temporarily increased.


StreamState::eLess if the data was written successfully to the streamer and the data production rate should be temporarily reduced.

void (*closeStream)(Streamer *self)

closes the stream.


This signals that a stream has been finished. This occurs when the engine is stopped or the audio context is destroyed. No more calls to writeData() should be expected until the streamer is opened again.


self[in] the streamer object to close the stream for. This will not be nullptr.


no return value.

Protected Functions

inline virtual ~StreamerWrapper()