
↰ Parent directory: omni/core/

Helper macros to provide API calling convention tags.

Source: omni/core/Api.h

Included By


  • OMNI_API: Declares a symbol that is marked as externally exported. The symbol will be exported with C decorations. On Windows, this is expected to be exported from the containing DLL. On Linux, this is exported as having default visibility from the module instead of being hidden. This export tag should only be used when tagging exported symbols from within omni::core itself. Exported symbols in other modules (such as omniGetModuleExports() functions in implementation libraries) should use OMNI_MODULE_API instead.

  • OMNI_EXPORT: Grants a function external linkage in a dynamic library or executable.

  • OMNI_EXTERN_C: Declares a “C” exported external symbol. This uses the “C” name decoration style of adding an underscore to the start of the exported name.

  • OMNI_MODULE_API: Declares a function that is marked as externally exported. The symbol will be exported with C decorations. On Windows, this is expected to be exported from the containing DLL. On Linux, this is exported as having default visibility from the module instead of being hidden. This is intended for exported symbols in implementation libraries.