
Defined in carb/extras/HandleDatabase.h

template<class Mapped, class Handle, class Allocator = std::allocator<Mapped>>
struct carb::extras::HandleRef

A smart-reference class for a Handle associated with a HandleDatabase.

When HandleRef is destroyed, the associated handle is released with the HandleDatabase.

Public Types

using MappedType = Mapped

An alias to Mapped; the mapped value type.

using HandleType = Handle

An alias to Handle; the key type used to associate a mapped value type.

using AllocatorType = Allocator

An alias to Allocator; the allocator used to allocate memory.

using Database = HandleDatabase<Mapped, Handle, Allocator>

The type specification for the associated HandleDatabase.

using element_type = MappedType

Deprecated: Use MappedType instead.

using handle_type = HandleType

Deprecated: Use HandleType instead.

Public Functions

HandleRef() = default

Default constructor.

Produces an empty HandleRef.

inline HandleRef(Database &database, Handle handle)

Attempts to atomically reference a Handle from the given database.

inline ~HandleRef()


If *this is non-empty, releases the associated Handle with the associated HandleDatabase.

inline HandleRef(HandleRef &&other)


Post-condition: other is an empty HandleRef.


other – The other HandleRef to move a reference from.

inline HandleRef &operator=(HandleRef &&other)

Move-assign operator.

Swaps state with other.


other – The other HandleRef to move a reference from.

inline HandleRef clone() const

Explicitly adds a reference to any referenced handle and returns a HandleRef.


A HandleRef holding its own reference for the contained handle. May be empty if *this is empty.

inline Mapped *operator->()

Dereferences and returns a pointer to the mapped type.


Undefined behavior if *this is empty.


A pointer to the mapped type.

inline const Mapped *operator->() const

Dereferences and returns a const pointer to the mapped type.


Undefined behavior if *this is empty.


A const pointer to the mapped type.

inline Mapped &operator*()

Dereferences and returns a reference to the mapped type.


Undefined behavior if *this is empty.


A reference to the mapped type.

inline const Mapped &operator*() const

Dereferences and returns a const reference to the mapped type.


Undefined behavior if *this is empty.


A const reference to the mapped type.

inline Mapped *get()

Returns a pointer to the mapped type, or nullptr if empty.


A pointer to the mapped type or nullptr if empty.

inline const Mapped *get() const

Returns a const pointer to the mapped type, or nullptr if empty.


A const pointer to the mapped type or nullptr if empty.

inline Handle handle() const

Returns the Handle referenced by *this.


The Handle referenced by *this.

inline explicit operator bool() const

Tests if *this contains a valid reference.


true if *this maintains a valid reference; false if *this is empty.

inline void reset()

Releases any associated reference and resets *this to empty.

inline void swap(HandleRef &rhs)

Swaps state with another HandleRef.