
Defined in omni/core/Types.h

union omni::core::Float2
#include <omni/core/Types.h>

Helper struct to represent a single 2-space vector of floating point values.

Each member of the struct can be accessed in multiple ways including an array and direct accessors known by multiple names. Objects of this struct are guaranteed to be only as large as two 32-bit floating point values.

Public Members

float data[2]

Access to the value members in this object as an array.

float x

Provides access to the first data member as a Cartesian X coordinate.

float u

Provides access to the first data member as a U texture coordinate.

float s

Provides access to the first data member as an S texture coordinate.

float w

Provides access to the first data member as a width value.

float y

Provides access to the first data member as a Cartesian Y coordinate.

float v

Provides access to the first data member as a V texture coordinate.

float t

Provides access to the first data member as an T texture coordinate.

float h

Provides access to the first data member as a height value.

struct omni::core::Float2::[anonymous] [anonymous]

Structure of unions containing the possible names of the first and second values in this object.