
Defined in OmniClient.h

struct OmniClientServerInfo

Server Info.

Public Members

char const *version

The version of software the server is running.

char const *username

The username you are signed in as.

char const *authToken

The authentication token you are using (this should no longer be used)

char const *connectionId

Provider specific connection identifier (the same value other users see in the “from” field of OmniClientJoinChannelCallback when you send a message)

bool cacheEnabled

True if the local nucleus cache is enabled for this server.

bool omniObjectsEnabled

True if omni-objects are enabled on this server.

bool checkpointsEnabled

True if checkpoints are enabled on this server.

bool atomicCheckpoints

True if the server supports atomic checkpoints on write operations.

bool undeleteEnabled

True if the server supports the “undelete” command.