Connect SDK Python API


omni.connect.core.version() str

Verify the expected Omniverse Connect SDK version is being loaded at runtime.


A human-readable version string for the Omniverse Connect SDK.

omni.connect.core.clientVersion() str

Verify the expected Omniverse Client Library version is being loaded at runtime.


A human-readable version string for the Omniverse Client Library.

omni.connect.core.deprecated(version: str, message: str)

Decorator used to deprecated python API in the given module


@deprecated("0.5", "Use `baz` instead")
def foo(bar: str) -> str:
    return baz(bar)
  • version – The major.minor version in which the function was first deprecated

  • message – A user facing message about the deprecation, ideally with a suggested alternative function. Do not include the version in this message, it will be prefixed automatically.

omni.connect.core.withNucleus() bool

Verify whether Nucleus support is available via the Omniverse Client Library.


A bool indicating whether Nucleus support is available.

omni.connect.core.initialized() bool

Determine if initialization was successful.


A bool indicating if initialization was successful.

omni.connect.core.startup() bool

Perform some one-time initialization.

This initializes the carb Framework and required carb plugins, sets up default logging, and initializes any optional features that have been enabled.

  • If Nucleus features have been enabled and configured, the Omniverse Client Library and Omniverse USD Resolver will be initialized.

  • If Python features have been enabled, and the Python interpreter has been configured, it will be initialized.


A bool indicating if startup was successful.

omni.connect.core.startupLog() None

Initialize the Omniverse logging system.

This enables the logging system, sets the log levels for the channels, and forwards Omniverse Client Library messages to the default Connect SDK channel.

omni.connect.core.logChannel() str

Get the main log channel name for the Connect SDK.

Note : Client code should not use this channel to emit messages. Create your own channel instead.


The main log channel name for the Connect SDK.

omni.connect.core.enableStandardOutputStream(enabled: bool) None

Enables and disables logging to the standard output stream.

This is a convenience around Carbonite’s ILogging.


enabled – Determine if the output stream should be enabled or disabled

omni.connect.core.addLogConsumer(name: str, callback: object) None

Adds a log consumer.

The provided callback will be hit when any log within the app’s set log level is published. Log level is set in the implementer’s omni.connect.client.toml file. If two consumers with the same name are added the first is removed automatically. Callbacks must take the form Callable[str, omni.log.Level, str] where the arguments are the channel, log level and message respectively.

  • name – The name of the consumer. No two log consumers can have the same name.

  • callback – The function to be called when a log is published. Callable[str, omni.log.Level, str].

omni.connect.core.removeLogConsumer(name: str) None

Removes a log consumer.

The callback will no longer be hit when a log is published.


name – The name of the consumer to remove.

omni.connect.core.getExportOptions() object

Get the export option settings.


Option settings in dictionary.

omni.connect.core.getExportOptionsAsFileFormatArguments() Dict[str, str]

Get the export option settings. The returned values are converted to strings. Array items will be converted to a space separated string. The returned key “usdEncoding” is mapping to “format”.


Option settings in dictionary.

omni.connect.core.getImportOptions() object

Get the import option settings.


Option settings in dictionary.

omni.connect.core.getImportOptionsAsFileFormatArguments() Dict[str, str]

Get the import option settings. The returned values are converted to strings. Array items will be converted to space separated string.


Option settings in dictionary.

omni.connect.core.loadSettings() bool

Initialize the Connect SDK & Connector Settings.

Client Connectors may add or override core configuration via a toml file located at ${CARB_APP_PATH}/config/omni.connect.client.toml

Note that loadSettings may be called multiple times, to reset settings back to the default configuration.


Whether the required settings were loaded successfully.

omni.connect.core.loadSettingsFromFile(arg0: str) bool

Load additional settings from the provided toml file and perform token resolution.

Note that subsequent calls the the default loadSettings() may reset any common settings loaded by this function.


Whether the required settings were loaded successfully.

omni.connect.core.setExportOptions(arg0: dict) None

Set the export option settings.

omni.connect.core.setExportOptionsFromFileFormatArguments(arg0: Dict[str, str]) None

Set the export option settings. Input arguments is type of dict[str, str] - keys as strings and values as strings. Values will be converted to the proper type for existing options before set. New options will be set as string. The key “format” is mapping to “usdEncoding”.

omni.connect.core.saveExportPreferences() bool

Save the current Export Preferences to the persistent user config file.

The serialized values will be restored across application processes when calling omni::connect::core::loadSettings.

Use the “storePreference” setting to indicate which settings should be persistent preferences.


[“omni.connect.core”.exportOptions.myBool] value = false storePreference = true

[“omni.connect.core”.exportOptions.myColor] value = [10.0, 2.0, 100.0] storePreference = true

[“omni.connect.core”.exportOptions.myFloat] value = 9.9 storePreference = true

omni.connect.core.setImportOptions(arg0: dict) None

Set the import option settings.

omni.connect.core.setImportOptionsFromFileFormatArguments(arg0: Dict[str, str]) None

Set the import option settings. Input arguments is type of dict[str, str] - keys as strings and values as strings. Values will be converted to the proper type for existing options before set. New options will be set as string. The key “format” is mapping to “usdEncoding”.

omni.connect.core.saveImportPreferences() bool

Save the current Import Preferences to the persistent user config file.

The serialized values will be restored across application processes when calling omni::connect::core::loadSettings.

Use the “storePreference” setting to indicate which settings should be persistent preferences.


[“omni.connect.core”.importOptions.myBool] value = false storePreference = true

[“omni.connect.core”.importOptions.myColor] value = [10.0, 2.0, 100.0] storePreference = true

[“omni.connect.core”.importOptions.myFloat] value = 9.9 storePreference = true

omni.connect.core.getValidPrimName(name: str) str

Produce a valid prim name from the input name


name – The input name


A string that is considered valid for use as a prim name.

omni.connect.core.getValidPrimNames(names: List[str], reservedNames: list(str) = [])

Take a vector of the preferred names and return a matching vector of valid and unique names.

  • names – A vector of preferred prim names.

  • reservedNames – A vector of reserved prim names. Names in the vector will not be included in the returns.


A vector of valid and unique names.

omni.connect.core.getValidChildNames(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, names: List[str])

Take a prim and a vector of the preferred names. Return a matching vector of valid and unique names as the child names of the given prim.

  • prim – The USD prim where the given prim names should live under.

  • names – A vector of preferred prim names.


A vector of valid and unique names.

omni.connect.core.getValidPropertyName(name: str) str

Produce a valid property name using the Bootstring algorithm.


name – The input name


A string that is considered valid for use as a property name.

omni.connect.core.getValidPropertyNames(names: List[str], reservedNames: list(str) = [])

Take a vector of the preferred names and return a matching vector of valid and unique names.

  • names – A vector of preferred property names.

  • reservedNames – A vector of reserved prim names. Names in the vector will not be included in the return.


A vector of valid and unique names.

omni.connect.core.getDisplayName(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) str

Return this prim’s display name (metadata).


prim – The prim to get the display name from


Authored value, or an empty string if no display name has been set.

omni.connect.core.setDisplayName(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str) bool

Sets this prim’s display name (metadata)

DisplayName is meant to be a descriptive label, not necessarily an alternate identifier; therefore there is no restriction on which characters can appear in it

  • prim – The prim to set the display name for

  • name – The value to set


True on success, otherwise false

omni.connect.core.clearDisplayName(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) bool

Clears this prim’s display name (metadata) in the current EditTarget (only)


prim – The prim to clear the display name for


True on success, otherwise false

omni.connect.core.blockDisplayName(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) bool

Block this prim’s display name (metadata)

The fallback value will be explicitly authored to cause the value to resolve as if there were no authored value opinions in weaker layers


prim – The prim to block the display name for


True on success, otherwise false

omni.connect.core.computeEffectiveDisplayName(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) str

Calculate the effective display name of this prim

If the display name is un-authored or empty then the prim’s name is returned


prim – The prim to compute the display name for


The effective display name

omni.connect.core.hasLayerAuthoringMetadata(layer: pxr.Sdf.Layer) bool

Check if the Sdf.Layer has metadata indicating the provenance of the data.

Important: this metadata is strictly informational, it is not advisable to key runtime behavior off of this metadata.


layer – The layer to modify


A bool indicating if the metadata exists

omni.connect.core.setLayerAuthoringMetadata(layer: pxr.Sdf.Layer) None

Set metadata on the Sdf.Layer indicating the provenance of the data.

Important: this metadata is strictly informational, it is not advisable to key runtime behavior off of this metadata.

This will add information to the layer that can be used to track it back to its product of origin. The mandatory settings /app/name, /app/version, /omni.connect.core/client/name, and /omni.connect.core/client/version are used to format the metadata.

Note startup() must be called before calling this function.


layer – The layer to modify

omni.connect.core.exportLayer(layer: pxr.Sdf.Layer, identifier: str, comment: str = None, fileFormatArgs: Dict[str, str] = {}) bool

Export the given SdfLayer to an identifier with an optional comment.

Note this does not impact sublayers or any layers that this layer may be contributing to.

The comment will be authored in the layer as the SdfLayer comment.

If the layer is being exported to an Omniverse Nucleus server with checkpoints enabled, then the comment will be added to the checkpoint.

  • layer – The layer to be exported.

  • identifier – The identifier to be used for the new layer.

  • comment – The comment.

  • fileFormatArgs – Additional file format-specific arguments to be supplied during layer export.


A bool indicating if the export was successfully.

omni.connect.core.saveLayer(layer: pxr.Sdf.Layer, comment: str = None) None

Save the given Sdf.Layer with an optional comment

Note this does not impact sublayers or any stages that this layer may be contributing to. This is to preserve authoring metadata on referenced layers that came from other applications.

The comment will be authored in the layer as the SdfLayer comment.

If the layer is being exported to an Omniverse Nucleus server with checkpoints enabled, then the comment will be added to the checkpoint.

  • layer – The stage to be saved.

  • comment – The comment.

omni.connect.core.createStage(identifier: str, defaultPrimName: str, upAxis: str, linearUnits: float, fileFormatArgs: Optional[dict] = None) Optional[pxr.Usd.Stage]

Create and configure a Usd.Stage

See configureStage for more details.


The extension of the identifier must be associated with a file format that supports editing.

  • identifier – The identifier to be used for the root layer of this stage.

  • defaultPrimName – Name of the root prim that should be targeted by a reference or payload to this layer that doesn’t specify a prim path.

  • upAxis – The up axis for all the geometry contained in the stage.

  • linearUnits – The meters per unit for all linear measurements in the stage.

  • fileFormatArgs – Additional file format-specific arguments to be supplied during Stage creation.


The newly created stage or None

omni.connect.core.configureStage(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, defaultPrimName: str, upAxis: str, linearUnits: float) bool

Configure a stage so that the defining metadata is explicitly authored

The default prim will be used as the target of a reference or payload to this layer that doesn’t specify a prim path. A root prim with the given defaultPrimName will be defined on the stage.

The stage metrics of [Up Axis]( and [Linear Units]( will be authored.

  • stage – The stage to be configured.

  • defaultPrimName – Name of the default root prim.

  • upAxis – The up axis for all the geometry contained in the stage.

  • linearUnits – The meters per unit for all linear measurements in the stage.


A bool indicating if the metadata was successfully authored.

omni.connect.core.saveStage(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, comment: str = None) None

Save the given Usd.Stage with an optional checkpoint comment.

Save all dirty session layers and sublayers of session layers contributing to this stage.

All dirty layers will be annotated with authoring metadata, unless previously annotated. This is to preserve authoring metadata on referenced layers that came from other applications.

The comment will be authored in all layers as the SdfLayer comment.

If the layers are being exported to an Omniverse Nucleus server with checkpoints enabled, then the comment will be added to the checkpoints.

  • stage – The stage to be saved.

  • comment – The checkpoints comment.

omni.connect.core.canRemovePrim(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) bool

Determines if the given Usd.Prim can be removed safely.

Multi-layer editing and Omniverse Live editing present challenges when trying to remove prims. We cannot always safely delete prims, sometimes they must must be deactivated instead. Use canRemovePrim to determine if a prim can be removed via the current Usd.EditTarget, and if so, use removeOrDeactivatePrim to do it safely.


Nucleus is an optional feature which is required when using Omniverse Live editing. This function will work without Nucleus, but the logic may be overly complicated for simpler single layer or “static” composition use cases.


prim – The prim to be removed.


A bool indicating if the prim can be removed.

omni.connect.core.removeOrDeactivatePrim(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) bool

Removes the given Usd.Prim if it can be removed safely, otherwise deactivates it.

Multi-layer editing and Omniverse Live editing present challenges when trying to remove prims. We cannot always safely delete prims, sometimes they must must be deactivated instead. Use removeOrDeactivatePrim to attempt a full removal. If this is not possible, the prim will be deactivated, using an override on the current Usd.EditTarget.


Nucleus is an optional feature which is required when using Omniverse Live editing. This function will work without Nucleus, but the logic may be overly complicated for simpler single layer or “static” composition use cases.


prim – The prim to be removed.


A bool indicating if the process was successful.

omni.connect.core.copyPrim(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, destination: pxr.Sdf.Path) bool

Copy the given Usd.Prim to a new location.

Multi-layer editing and Omniverse Live editing present challenges when trying to copy prims. We cannot necessarily perform a simple copy of the Sdf.PrimSpec on the current Usd.EditTarget, but may need to account for the full layer stack and opinions.


Nucleus is an optional feature which is required when using Omniverse Live editing. This function will work without Nucleus, but the logic may be overly complicated for simpler single layer or “static” composition use cases.

  • prim – The prim to be copied.

  • destination – The path of the new copy.


A bool indicating if the copy was successful.

omni.connect.core.renamePrim(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str) bool

Rename the given Usd.Prim if it can be renamed safely.

Multi-layer editing and Omniverse Live editing present challenges when trying to rename prims. We cannot always safely delete prims, sometimes they must must be deactivated instead. Use renamePrim to simulate a rename by copying the prim and then attempting a full removal. If this is not possible, the original prim will be deactivated, using an override on the current Usd.EditTarget.


Nucleus is an optional feature which is required when using Omniverse Live editing. This function will work without Nucleus, but the logic may be overly complicated for simpler single layer or “static” composition use cases.

  • prim – The prim to be renamed.

  • name – The new name.


A bool indicating if the rename was successful.

omni.connect.core.defineXform(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineXform(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, transform: Optional[pxr.Gf.Transform] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Xform

    Defines an xform on the stage.

    • stage - The stage on which to define the xform

    • path - The absolute prim path at which to define the xform

    • transform - Optional local transform to set


    UsdGeom.Xform schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim. Returns an invalid schema on error.

  2. defineXform(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, transform: Optional[pxr.Gf.Transform] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Xform

    Defines an xform on the stage.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the xform

    • name - Name of the xform

    • transform - Optional local transform to set


    UsdGeom.Xform schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim. Returns an invalid schema on error.

omni.connect.core.defineCamera(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineCamera(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, cameraData: pxr.Gf.Camera) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Camera

    Defines a basic 3d camera on the stage.

    Note that Gf.Camera is a simplified form of 3d camera data that does not account for time-sampled data, shutter window, stereo role, or exposure. If you need to author those properties, do so after defining the UsdGeom.Camera.

    An invalid UsdGeomCamera will be returned if camera attributes could not be authored successfully.

    • stage - The stage on which to define the camera

    • path - The absolute prim path at which to define the camera

    • cameraData - The camera data to set, including the world space transform matrix


    A UsdGeom.Camera schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim.

  2. defineCamera(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, cameraData: pxr.Gf.Camera) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Camera

    Defines a basic 3d camera on the stage.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the camera

    • name - Name of the camera

    • cameraData - The camera data to set, including the world space transform matrix


    A UsdGeom.Camera schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim.

omni.connect.core.definePolyMesh(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. definePolyMesh(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, faceVertexCounts: pxr.Vt.IntArray, faceVertexIndices: pxr.Vt.IntArray, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, uvs: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Mesh

    Defines a basic polygon mesh on the stage.

    All interrelated attribute values will be authored, even if weaker matching opinions already exist.

    The following common primvars can optionally be authored at the same time.

    • Normals

    • Primary UV Set

    • Display Color

    • Display Opacity

    • stage - The stage on which to define the mesh

    • path - The absolute prim path at which to define the mesh

    • faceVertexCounts - The number of vertices in each face of the mesh

    • faceVertexIndices - Indices of the positions from the points to use for each face vertex

    • points - Vertex positions for the mesh described points in local space

    • normals - Values to be authored for the normals primvar

    • uvs - Values to be authored for the uv primvar

    • displayColor - Value to be authored for the display color primvar

    • displayOpacity - Value to be authored for the display opacity primvar


    UsdGeomMesh schema wrapping the defined UsdPrim.

  2. definePolyMesh(stage: pxr.Usd.Prim, path: str, faceVertexCounts: pxr.Vt.IntArray, faceVertexIndices: pxr.Vt.IntArray, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, uvs: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Mesh

    Defines a basic polygon mesh on the stage.

    All interrelated attribute values will be authored, even if weaker matching opinions already exist.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the mesh

    • name - Name of the mesh

    • faceVertexCounts - The number of vertices in each face of the mesh

    • faceVertexIndices - Indices of the positions from the points to use for each face vertex

    • points - Vertex positions for the mesh described points in local space

    • normals - Values to be authored for the normals primvar

    • uvs - Values to be authored for the uv primvar

    • displayColor - Value to be authored for the display color primvar

    • displayOpacity - Value to be authored for the display opacity primvar


    UsdGeomMesh schema wrapping the defined UsdPrim.

omni.connect.core.definePointCloud(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. definePointCloud(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, ids: Optional[pxr.Vt.Int64Array] = None, widths: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Points

    Defines a UsdGeom.Points prim on the stage.

    Attribute values will be validated and in the case of invalid data the Points will not be defined. An invalid UsdGeom.Points object will be returned in this case.

    Values will be authored for all attributes required to completely describe the Points, even if weaker matching opinions already exist.

    • Point Count

    • Points

    • Extent

    The “extent” of the Points will be computed and authored based on the points and widths provided.

    The following common primvars can optionally be authored at the same time using a PrimvarData to specify interpolation, data, and optionally indices or elementSize.

    • Ids

    • Widths

    • Normals

    • Display Color

    • Display Opacity

    For both widths and normals, if they are provided, they are authored as primvars:widths and primvars:normals, so that indexing is possible and to ensure that the value takes precedence in cases where both the non-primvar and primvar attributes are authored.

    • stage The stage on which to define the points.

    • path The absolute prim path at which to define the points.

    • points Vertex/CV positions for the points described in local space.

    • ids Values for the id specification for the points.

    • widths Values for the width specification for the points.

    • normals Values for the normals primvar for the points. Only Vertex normals are considered valid.

    • displayColor Values to be authored for the display color primvar.

    • displayOpacity Values to be authored for the display opacity primvar.


    UsdGeom.Points schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim

  2. definePointCloud(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, ids: Optional[pxr.Vt.Int64Array] = None, widths: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.Points

    Defines a UsdGeom.Points prim on the stage.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • prim The stage on which to define the points.

    • name The absolute prim path at which to define the points.

    • points Vertex/CV positions for the points described in local space.

    • ids Values for the id specification for the points.

    • widths Values for the width specification for the points.

    • normals Values for the normals primvar for the points. Only Vertex normals are considered valid.

    • displayColor Values to be authored for the display color primvar.

    • displayOpacity Values to be authored for the display opacity primvar.


    UsdGeom.Points schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim

omni.connect.core.defineLinearBasisCurves(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineLinearBasisCurves(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, curveVertexCounts: pxr.Vt.IntArray, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, wrap: str = ‘nonperiodic’, widths: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.BasisCurves

    Defines a batched Linear UsdGeom.BasisCurves prim on the stage.

    Attribute values will be validated and in the case of invalid data the Curves will not be defined. An invalid UsdGeom.BasisCurves object will be returned in this case.

    Values will be authored for all attributes required to completely describe the Curves, even if weaker matching opinions already exist.

    • Curve Vertex Counts

    • Points

    • Type

    • Wrap

    • Extent

    The “extent” of the Curves will be computed and authored based on the points and widths provided.

    The following common primvars can optionally be authored at the same time using a PrimvarData to specify interpolation, data, and optionally indices or elementSize.

    • Widths

    • Normals

    • Display Color

    • Display Opacity

    For both widths and normals, if they are provided, they are authored as primvars:widths and primvars:normals, so that indexing is possible and to ensure that the value takes precedence in cases where both the non-primvar and primvar attributes are authored.

    • stage The stage on which to define the curves.

    • path The absolute prim path at which to define the curves.

    • curveVertexCounts The number of vertices in each independent curve. The length of this array determines the number of curves.

    • points Vertex/CV positions for the curves described in local space.

    • wrap Determines how the start and end points of the curve behave. Accepted values for linear curves are

      UsdGeom.Tokens.nonperiodic and UsdGeom.Tokens.periodic.

    • widths Values for the width specification for the curves.

    • normals Values for the normals primvar for the curves. If authored, the curves are considered oriented ribbons rather than tubes.

    • displayColor Values to be authored for the display color primvar.

    • displayOpacity Values to be authored for the display opacity primvar.


    UsdGeom.BasisCurves schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim

  2. defineLinearBasisCurves(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, curveVertexCounts: pxr.Vt.IntArray, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, wrap: str = ‘nonperiodic’, widths: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.BasisCurves

    Defines a batched Linear UsdGeom.BasisCurves prim on the stage.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • prim The stage on which to define the curves.

    • name The absolute prim path at which to define the curves.

    • curveVertexCounts The number of vertices in each independent curve. The length of this array determines the number of curves.

    • points Vertex/CV positions for the curves described in local space.

    • wrap Determines how the start and end points of the curve behave. Accepted values for linear curves are

      UsdGeom.Tokens.nonperiodic and UsdGeom.Tokens.periodic.

    • widths Values for the width specification for the curves.

    • normals Values for the normals primvar for the curves. If authored, the curves are considered oriented ribbons rather than tubes.

    • displayColor Values to be authored for the display color primvar.

    • displayOpacity Values to be authored for the display opacity primvar.


    UsdGeom.BasisCurves schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim

omni.connect.core.defineCubicBasisCurves(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineCubicBasisCurves(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, curveVertexCounts: pxr.Vt.IntArray, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, basis: str = ‘bezier’, wrap: str = ‘nonperiodic’, widths: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.BasisCurves

    Defines a batched Cubic UsdGeom.BasisCurves prim on the stage.

    Attribute values will be validated and in the case of invalid data the Curves will not be defined. An invalid UsdGeom.BasisCurves object will be returned in this case.

    Values will be authored for all attributes required to completely describe the Curves, even if weaker matching opinions already exist.

    • Curve Vertex Counts

    • Points

    • Type

    • Basis

    • Wrap

    • Extent

    The “extent” of the Curves will be computed and authored based on the points and widths provided.

    The following common primvars can optionally be authored at the same time using a PrimvarData to specify interpolation, data, and optionally indices or elementSize.

    • Widths

    • Normals

    • Display Color

    • Display Opacity

    For both widths and normals, if they are provided, they are authored as primvars:widths and primvars:normals, so that indexing is possible and to ensure that the value takes precedence in cases where both the non-primvar and primvar attributes are authored.

    • stage The stage on which to define the curves.

    • path The absolute prim path at which to define the curves.

    • curveVertexCounts The number of vertices in each independent curve. The length of this array determines the number of curves.

    • points Vertex/CV positions for the curves described in local space.

    • basis The basis specifies the vstep and matrix used for cubic interpolation. Accepted values for cubic curves are

      UsdGeom.Tokens.bezier, UsdGeom.Tokens.bspline, or UsdGeom.Tokens.catmullRom.

    • wrap Determines how the start and end points of the curve behave. Accepted values are UsdGeom.Tokens.nonperiodic,

      UsdGeom.Tokens.periodic, and UsdGeom.Tokens.pinned (bspline and catmullRom only).

    • widths Values for the width specification for the curves.

    • normals Values for the normals primvar for the curves. If authored, the curves are considered oriented ribbons rather than tubes.

    • displayColor Values to be authored for the display color primvar.

    • displayOpacity Values to be authored for the display opacity primvar.


    UsdGeom.BasisCurves schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim

  2. defineCubicBasisCurves(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, curveVertexCounts: pxr.Vt.IntArray, points: pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray, basis: str = ‘bezier’, wrap: str = ‘nonperiodic’, widths: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None, normals: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayColor: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData] = None, displayOpacity: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData] = None) -> pxr.UsdGeom.BasisCurves

    Defines a batched Cubic UsdGeom.BasisCurves prim on the stage.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • prim The stage on which to define the curves.

    • name The absolute prim path at which to define the curves.

    • curveVertexCounts The number of vertices in each independent curve. The length of this array determines the number of curves.

    • points Vertex/CV positions for the curves described in local space.

    • basis The basis specifies the vstep and matrix used for cubic interpolation. Accepted values for cubic curves are

      UsdGeom.Tokens.bezier, UsdGeom.Tokens.bspline, or UsdGeom.Tokens.catmullRom.

    • wrap Determines how the start and end points of the curve behave. Accepted values are UsdGeom.Tokens.nonperiodic,

      UsdGeom.Tokens.periodic, and UsdGeom.Tokens.pinned (bspline and catmullRom only).

    • widths Values for the width specification for the curves.

    • normals Values for the normals primvar for the curves. If authored, the curves are considered oriented ribbons rather than tubes.

    • displayColor Values to be authored for the display color primvar.

    • displayOpacity Values to be authored for the display opacity primvar.


    UsdGeom.BasisCurves schema wrapping the defined Usd.Prim

class omni.connect.core.RotationOrder

Enumerates the rotation order of the 3-angle Euler rotation.








property name
omni.connect.core.getLocalTransform(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) pxr.Gf.Transform

Get the local transform of a prim at a given time.

  • prim – The prim to get local transform from.

  • time – Time at which to query the value.


Transform value as a transform.

omni.connect.core.getLocalTransformMatrix(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) pxr.Gf.Matrix4d

Get the local transform of a prim at a given time in the form of a 4x4 matrix.

  • prim – The prim to get local transform from.

  • time – Time at which to query the value.


Transform value as a 4x4 matrix.

omni.connect.core.getLocalTransformComponents(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) tuple

Get the local transform of a prim at a given time in the form of common transform components.

  • prim – The prim to get local transform from.

  • time – Time at which to query the value.


Transform value as a tuple of translation, pivot, rotation, rotation order, scale.

omni.connect.core.setLocalTransform(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setLocalTransform(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, transform: pxr.Gf.Transform, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) -> bool

    Set the local transform of a prim.


    prim: The prim to set local transform on. transform: The transform value to set. time: Time at which to write the value.


    A bool indicating if the local transform was set.

  2. setLocalTransform(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, matrix: pxr.Gf.Matrix4d, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) -> bool

    Set the local transform of a prim from a 4x4 matrix.


    prim: The prim to set local transform on. matrix: The matrix value to set. time: Time at which to write the value.


    A bool indicating if the local transform was set.

  3. setLocalTransform(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, translation: pxr.Gf.Vec3d, pivot: pxr.Gf.Vec3d, rotation: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, rotationOrder: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.RotationOrder, scale: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) -> bool

    Set the local transform of a prim from common transform components.


    prim: The prim to set local transform on. translation: The translation value to set. pivot: The pivot position value to set. rotation: The rotation value to set in degrees. rotationOrder: The rotation order of the rotation value. scale: The scale value to set. time: Time at which to write the value.


    A bool indicating if the local transform was set.

class omni.connect.core.FloatPrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.FloatArray values (e.g widths or scale factors).

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.FloatPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.FloatArray

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

class omni.connect.core.IntPrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.IntArray values (e.g simple switch values or booleans consumable by shaders).

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.IntPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

class omni.connect.core.Int64PrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.Int64Array values (e.g ids that might be very large).

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Int64PrimvarData) pxr.Vt.Int64Array

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

class omni.connect.core.Vec3fPrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.Vec3fArray values (e.g normals, colors, or other vectors).

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec3fPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

class omni.connect.core.Vec2fPrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.Vec2fArray values (e.g texture coordinates).

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.Vec2fPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.Vec2fArray

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

class omni.connect.core.StringPrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.StringArray values (e.g human readable descriptors).

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.StringPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.StringArray

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

class omni.connect.core.TokenPrimvarData

PrimvarData that holds Vt.TokenArray values (e.g more efficient human readable descriptors).

This is a more efficient format than raw strings if you have many repeated values across different prims.


TfToken lifetime lasts the entire process. Too many tokens in memory may consume resources somewhat unexpectedly.

This is a read-only class to manage all UsdGeom.Primvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.

UsdGeom.Primvars are often used when authoring UsdGeom.PointBased prims (e.g meshes, curves, and point clouds) to describe surface varying properties that can affect how a prim is rendered, or to drive a surface deformation.

However, UsdGeom.Primvar data can be quite intricate to use, especially with respect to indexed vs non-indexed primvars, element size, the complexities of Vt.Array detach (copy-on-write) semantics, and the ambiguity of “native” attributes vs primvar attributes (e.g. mesh normals).

This class aims to provide simpler entry points to avoid common mistakes with respect to UsdGeom.Primvar data handling.

All of the USD authoring “define” functions in this library accept optional PrimvarData to define e.g normals, display colors, etc.

effectiveSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) int

The effective size of the data, having accounted for values, indices, and element size.

This is the number of variable values that “really” exist, as far as a consumer is concerned. The indices & elementSize are used as a storage optimization, but the consumer should consider the effective size as the number of “deduplicated” individual values.


The effective size of the data.

elementSize(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) int

The element size.

Any value less than 1 is considered “non authored” and indicates no element size. This should be the most common case, as element size is a fairly esoteric extension of UsdGeom.Primvar data to account for non-typed array strides such as spherical harmonics float[9] arrays.

See UsdGeom.Primvar.GetElementSize() for more details.


The primvar element size.

static getPrimvarData(primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData

Construct a PrimvarData from a UsdGeom.Primvar that has already been authored.

The primvar may be indexed, non-indexed, with or without elements, or it may not even be validly authored scene description. Use isValid() to confirm that valid data has been gathered.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are read.


The read-only PrimvarData.

hasIndices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) bool

Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData


Whether this is indexed or non-indexed PrimvarData.

index(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) bool

Update the values and indices of this PrimvarData object to avoid duplicate values.

Updates will not be made in the following conditions:
  • If element size is greater than one.

  • If the existing indexing is efficient.

  • If there are no duplicate values.

  • If the existing indices are invalid


True if the values and/or indices were modified.

indices(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.IntArray

Access to the indices array.

This method throws a runtime error if the PrimvarData is not indexed. For exception-free access, check hasIndices() before calling this.


It may contain an empty or invalid indices array. Use PrimvarData.isValid() to validate that the indices are not out-of-range.


The primvar indices

interpolation(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) str

The geometric interpolation.

It may be an invalid interpolation. Use PrimvarData.isValid() or UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation() to confirm.


The geometric interpolation.

isIdentical(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData, other: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) bool

Check that all data between two PrimvarData objects is identical.

This differs from the equality operator in that it ensures the Vt.Array values and indices have not detached.


other – The other PrimvarData.


True if all the member data is equal and arrays are identical.

isValid(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) bool

Whether the data is valid or invalid.

This is a validation check with respect to the PrimvarData itself & the requirements of UsdGeom.Prim. It does not validate with respect to specific surface topology data, as no such data is available or consistant across UsdGeom.PointBased prim types.

This validation checks the following, in this order, and returns false if any condition fails:

  • The interpolation matches UsdGeom.Primvar.IsValidInterpolation().

  • The values are not empty. Note that individual values may be invalid (e.g NaN values on a Vt.FloatArray) but this will not be considered a failure, as some workflows allow for NaN to indicate non-authored elements or “holes” within the data.

  • If it is non-indexed, and has elements, that the values divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, and has elements, that the indices divide evenly by elementSize.

  • If it is indexed, that the indices are all within the expected range of the values array.


Whether the data is valid or invalid.

setPrimvar(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData, primvar: pxr.UsdGeom.Primvar, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) bool

Set data on an existing UsdGeom.Primvar from a PrimvarData that has already been authored.

Any existing authored data on the primvar will be overwritten or blocked with the PrimvarData members.

To copy data from one UsdGeom.Primvar to another, use data: PrimvarData = PrimvarData.get(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to gather the data, then use set(primvar: UsdGeom.Primvar) to author it.

  • primvar – The previously authored UsdGeom.Primvar.

  • time – The time at which the attribute values are written.


Whether the UsdGeom.Primvar was completely authored from the member data. Any failure to author may leave the primvar in an unknown state (e.g. it may have been partially authored).

values(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.TokenPrimvarData) pxr.Vt.TokenArray

Access to the values array.

Bear in mind the values may need to be accessed via indices() or using an elementSize() stride.

It may contain an empty or invalid values array.


The primvar values.

omni.connect.core.createMaterial(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str) pxr.UsdShade.Material

Create a UsdShade.Material as the child of the Usd.Prim argument

  • parent – Parent Usd.Prim for the material to be created

  • name – Name of the material to be created


The newly created UsdShade.Material. Returns an Invalid prim on error.

omni.connect.core.createMdlShader(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, name: str, mdlPath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath, module: str, connectMaterialOutputs: bool = True) pxr.UsdShade.Shader

Create a UsdShade.Shader as a child of the UsdShade.Material argument with the specified MDL

  • material – Parent UsdShade.Material for the shader to be created

  • name – Name of the shader to be created

  • mdlPath – Absolute or relative path to the MDL asset

  • module – Name of the MDL module to set as source asset sub-identifier for the shader

  • connectMaterialOutputs – If true, it creates the surface, volume and displacement outputs of the material and connects them to the shader output


the newly created UsdShade.Shader. Returns an Invalid prim on error.

omni.connect.core.createMdlShaderInput(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, name: str, value: pxr.Vt.Value, typeName: pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeName, colorSpace: Optional[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.ColorSpace] = None) pxr.UsdShade.Input

Create an MDL shader input

If the shader input already exists and is a different type, defined in the current edit target layer -> it will be removed and recreated

If the shader input already exists and has a connected source -> the source will be disconnected before being set


When creating texture asset inputs (diffuse, normal, roughness, etc.) it is important to set the colorSpace parameter so that the textures are sampled correctly. Typically, diffuse is “auto”, which resolves to “sRGB”. Normal, roughness, and other textures should be “raw”.

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim that contains the MDL shader

  • name – Name of the input to be created

  • value – The value assigned to the input

  • typeName – The Sdf.ValueTypeName of the input

  • colorSpace – If set, the newly created input’s colorSpace attribute


The newly created Usd.Shade.Input input. Returns an Invalid Usd.Shade.Input on error.

omni.connect.core.bindMaterial(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, material: pxr.UsdShade.Material) None

Binds a UsdShade.Material to a Usd.Prim

  • prim – Usd.Prim to hind the material to

  • material – UsdShade.Material to bind to the prim

omni.connect.core.defineOmniPbrMaterial(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineOmniPbrMaterial(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, color: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, opacity: float = 1.0, roughness: float = 0.5, metallic: float = 0.0) -> pxr.UsdShade.Material

    Defines an OmniPBR UsdShade.Material interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context

    MDL and UsdPreviewSurface use a linear color space, please convert RGB and sRGB values to linear


    The use of MDL shaders inside this Material interface is considered an implementation detail of the RTX Renderer. Once the RTX Renderer supports OpenPBR or MaterialX shaders we may change the implementation to author those shaders instead of MDL.

    • stage - The stage on which to define the Material

    • path - The absolute prim path at which to define the Material

    • color - The diffuse color of the Material

    • opacity - The Opacity Amount to set. When less than 1.0, Enable Opacity is set to true and Fractional Opacity is enabled in the RT renderer

    • roughness - The Roughness Amount to set, 0.0-1.0 range where 1.0 = flat and 0.0 = glossy

    • metallic - The Metallic Amount to set, 0.0-1.0 range where 1.0 = max metallic and 0.0 = no metallic


    The newly defined UsdShade.Material. Returns an Invalid prim on error

  2. defineOmniPbrMaterial(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, color: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, opacity: float = 1.0, roughness: float = 0.5, metallic: float = 0.0) -> pxr.UsdShade.Material

    Defines an OmniPBR UsdShade.Material interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the Material

    • name - Name of the Material

    • color - The diffuse color of the Material

    • opacity - The Opacity Amount to set. When less than 1.0, Enable Opacity is set to true and Fractional Opacity is enabled in the RT renderer

    • roughness - The Roughness Amount to set, 0.0-1.0 range where 1.0 = flat and 0.0 = glossy

    • metallic - The Metallic Amount to set, 0.0-1.0 range where 1.0 = max metallic and 0.0 = no metallic


    The newly defined UsdShade.Material. Returns an Invalid prim on error

omni.connect.core.defineOmniGlassMaterial(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineOmniGlassMaterial(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, color: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, indexOfRefraction: float = 1.4910000562667847) -> pxr.UsdShade.Material

    Defines an OmniGlass UsdShade.Material interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context

    MDL and UsdPreviewSurface use a linear color space, please convert RGB and sRGB values to linear


    The use of MDL shaders inside this Material interface is considered an implementation detail of the RTX Renderer. Once the RTX Renderer supports OpenPBR or MaterialX shaders we may change the implementation to author those shaders instead of MDL.

    • stage - The stage on which to define the Material

    • path - The absolute prim path at which to define the Material

    • color - The color of the Material

    • indexOfRefraction - The Index of Refraction to set, 1.0-4.0 range


    The newly defined UsdShade.Material. Returns an Invalid prim on error

  2. defineOmniGlassMaterial(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, color: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, indexOfRefraction: float = 1.4910000562667847) -> pxr.UsdShade.Material

    Defines an OmniGlass UsdShade.Material interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the Material

    • name - Name of the Material

    • color - The color of the Material

    • indexOfRefraction - The Index of Refraction to set, 1.0-4.0 range


    The newly defined UsdShade.Material. Returns an Invalid prim on error

omni.connect.core.computeEffectiveMdlSurfaceShader(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material) pxr.UsdShade.Shader

Get the effective surface Shader of a Material for the MDL render context.

If no valid Shader is connected to the MDL render context then the universal render context will be considered.


material – The Material to consider


The connected Shader. Returns an invalid object on error.

omni.connect.core.computeEffectivePreviewSurfaceShader(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material) pxr.UsdShade.Shader

Get the effective surface Shader of a Material for the universal render context.


material – The Material to consider


The connected Shader. Returns an invalid object on error.

omni.connect.core.addDiffuseTextureToPbrMaterial(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, texturePath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath) bool

Add a diffuse texture to a PBR material

It is expected that the material was created by the Connect SDK’s defineOmniPbrMaterial() function.


The material prim’s “Color” input will be removed and replaced with “DiffuseTexture”. Due to the input removal this function should be used at initial authoring time rather than in a stronger layer.

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim to add the texture

  • texturePath – The Sdf.AssetPath for the texture


Whether or not the texture was added to the material

omni.connect.core.addNormalTextureToPbrMaterial(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, texturePath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath) bool

Add a normal texture to a PBR material

It is expected that the material was created by the Connect SDK’s defineOmniPbrMaterial() function.

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim to add the texture

  • texturePath – The Sdf.AssetPath for the texture


Whether or not the texture was added to the material

omni.connect.core.addOrmTextureToPbrMaterial(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, texturePath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath) bool

Add an ORM texture to a PBR material

It is expected that the material was created by the Connect SDK’s defineOmniPbrMaterial() function.


The material prim’s “Roughness” and “Metallic” inputs will be removed and replaced with “ORMTexture”. Due to the input removal this function should be used at initial authoring time rather than in a stronger layer.

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim to add the texture

  • texturePath – The Sdf.AssetPath for the texture


Whether or not the texture was added to the material

omni.connect.core.addRoughnessTextureToPbrMaterial(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, texturePath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath) bool

Add a roughness texture to a PBR material

It is expected that the material was created by the Connect SDK’s defineOmniPbrMaterial() function.


The material prim’s “Roughness” input will be removed and replaced with “RoughnessTexture”. Due to the input removal this function should be used at initial authoring time rather than in a stronger layer.

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim to add the texture

  • texturePath – The Sdf.AssetPath for the texture


Whether or not the texture was added to the material

omni.connect.core.addMetallicTextureToPbrMaterial(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, texturePath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath) bool

Add a metallic texture to a PBR material

It is expected that the material was created by the Connect SDK’s defineOmniPbrMaterial() function.


The material prim’s “Metallic” input will be removed and replaced with “MetallicTexture”. Due to the input removal this function should be used at initial authoring time rather than in a stronger layer.

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim to add the texture

  • texturePath – The Sdf.AssetPath for the texture


Whether or not the texture was added to the material

omni.connect.core.addOpacityTextureToPbrMaterial(material: pxr.UsdShade.Material, texturePath: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath) bool

Add an Opacity texture to a PBR material

It is expected that the material was created by the Connect SDK’s defineOmniPbrMaterial() function.


The material prim’s “Opacity” input will be removed and replaced with “OpacityTexture”. Due to the input removal this function should be used at initial authoring time rather than in a stronger layer.

These shader parameters will be set to produce better masked geometry: - MDL OmniPBR: opacity_threshold = float_epsilon (just greater than zero) - UsdPreviewSurface: ior = 1.0 - UsdPreviewSurface: opacityThreshold = float_epsilon (just greater than zero)

  • material – The UsdShade.Material prim to add the texture

  • texturePath – The Sdf.AssetPath for the texture


Whether or not the texture was added to the material

class omni.connect.core.ColorSpace

Texture color space (encoding) types


eAuto : Check for gamma or metadata in the texture itself

eRaw : Use linear sampling (used for Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Opacity textures)

eSrgb : Use sRGB sampling (typically used for Diffuse textures)

property name
omni.connect.core.sRgbToLinear(color: pxr.Gf.Vec3f) pxr.Gf.Vec3f

Translate an sRGB color value to linear color space

Many 3D modeling applications define colors in RGB (0-255) or sRGB (0-1) color space MDL uses a linear color space that aligns with how light and color behave in the natural world


color – sRGB representation of a color to be translated to linear color space


The translated color in linear color space

omni.connect.core.linearToSrgb(color: pxr.Gf.Vec3f) pxr.Gf.Vec3f

Translate a linear color value to sRGB color space

Many 3D modeling applications define colors in RGB (0-255) or sRGB (0-1) color space MDL uses a linear color space that aligns with how light and color behave in the natural world


color – linear representation of a color to be translated to sRGB color space


The translated color in sRGB color space

omni.connect.core.defineDomeLight(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineDomeLight(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, intensity: float = 1.0, texturePath: str = None, textureFormat: str = ‘automatic’) -> pxr.UsdLux.DomeLight

    Creates a dome light with an optional texture.

    A dome light represents light emitted inward from a distant external environment, such as a sky or IBL light probe.

    Texture Format values:

    • automatic - Tries to determine the layout from the file itself.

    • latlong - Latitude as X, longitude as Y.

    • mirroredBall - An image of the environment reflected in a sphere, using an implicitly orthogonal projection.

    • angular - Similar to mirroredBall but the radial dimension is mapped linearly to the angle, for better sampling at the edges.

    • cubeMapVerticalCross - Set to “automatic” by default.

    • stage - The stage in which the light should be authored

    • path - The path which the light prim should be written to

    • intensity - The intensity value of the dome light

    • texturePath - The path to the texture file to use on the dome light.

    • textureFormat - How the texture should be mapped on the dome light.


    The dome light if created successfully.

  2. defineDomeLight(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, intensity: float = 1.0, texturePath: str = None, textureFormat: str = ‘automatic’) -> pxr.UsdLux.DomeLight

    Creates a dome light with an optional texture.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the light

    • name - Name of the light

    • intensity - The intensity value of the dome light

    • texturePath - The path to the texture file to use on the dome light.

    • textureFormat - How the texture should be mapped on the dome light.


    The dome light if created successfully.

omni.connect.core.defineRectLight(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. defineRectLight(stage: pxr.Usd.Stage, path: pxr.Sdf.Path, width: float, height: float, intensity: float = 1.0, texturePath: str = None) -> pxr.UsdLux.RectLight

    Creates a rectangular (rect) light with an optional texture.

    A rect light represents light emitted from one side of a rectangle.

    • stage - The stage in which the light should be authored

    • path - The path which the light prim should be written to

    • width - The width of the rectangular light, in the local X axis.

    • height - The height of the rectangular light, in the local Y axis.

    • intensity - The intensity value of the rectangular light

    • texturePath - Optional - The path to the texture file to use on the rectangular light.


    The rect light if created successfully.

  2. defineRectLight(parent: pxr.Usd.Prim, name: str, width: float, height: float, intensity: float = 1.0, texturePath: str = None) -> pxr.UsdLux.RectLight

    Creates a rectangular (rect) light with an optional texture.

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts.

    • parent - Prim below which to define the light

    • name - Name of the light

    • width - The width of the rectangular light, in the local X axis.

    • height - The height of the rectangular light, in the local Y axis.

    • intensity - The intensity value of the rectangular light

    • texturePath - Optional - The path to the texture file to use on the rectangular light.


    The rect light if created successfully.

omni.connect.core.isLight(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim) bool

Determines if a UsdPrim is a UsdLuxLight[API]


prim – The prim to check for a light API


True if the prim is a UsdLuxLight[API]

omni.connect.core.getLightAttr(defaultAttr: pxr.Usd.Attribute, PreferNewSchema: bool = True) pxr.Usd.Attribute

Get the “correct” light attribute for a light that could have any combination of authored old and new UsdLux schema attributes

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable.

  • Light has only “intensity” authored: return “intensity” attribute

  • Light has only “inputs:intensity” authored: return “inputs:intensity” attribute

  • Light has both “inputs:intensity” and “intensity” authored: depends on the preferNewSchema argument

  • defaultAttr – The attribute from the light schema for the attribute to be read: eg. UsdLux.RectLight.GetHeightAttr()

  • preferNewSchema – If true and both old and new UsdLux schema attributes are authored on a light prim, the new schema attribute is returned


The attribute from which the light value should be read


Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLux.Light[API] attribute names

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable, this function will return both so that a USD object change notice could filter on light attributes.


A list that includes both old and new schema attribute names


Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLux.DistantLightAPI attribute names

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable, this function will return both so that a USD object change notice could filter on light attributes.


A list that includes both old and new schema attribute names


Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLux.DomeLightAPI attribute names

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable, this function will return both so that a USD object change notice could filter on light attributes.


A list that includes both old and new schema attribute names


Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLux.RectLight attribute names

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable, this function will return both so that a USD object change notice could filter on light attributes.


A list that includes both old and new schema attribute names


Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLux.ShapingAPI attribute names

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable, this function will return both so that a USD object change notice could filter on light attributes.


A list that includes both old and new schema attribute names


Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLux.SphereLight attribute names

The new attribute names have “inputs:” prepended to the names to make them connectable, this function will return both so that a USD object change notice could filter on light attributes.


A list that includes both old and new schema attribute names

omni.connect.core.createLightExtentAttr(prim: pxr.Usd.Prim, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the extent attribute for a UsdLuxCylinderLight, UsdLuxDiskLight, UsdLuxRectLight, UsdLuxSphereLight, or UsdLuxPortalLight.

Setting this attribute improves performance by negating the need to compute it on load.

  • prim – The prim to author the attribute

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createIntensityAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.LightAPI, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the intensity attribute for a prim with UsdLux.Light[API] applied

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.Light[API]

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createColorAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.LightAPI, value: pxr.Gf.Vec3f, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the color attribute for a prim with UsdLux.Light[API] applied

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.Light[API]

  • value – The Gf.Vec3f color value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createColorTemperatureAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.LightAPI, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the color temperature attribute for a prim with UsdLux.Light[API] applied

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.Light[API]

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.LightAPI, value: bool, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the “enable color temperature” attribute for a prim with UsdLux.Light[API] applied

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.Light[API]

  • value – The boolean value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createDistantAngleAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.DistantLight, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the distant angle attribute for a UsdLux.DistantLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.DistantLight

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createDomeTextureFileAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.DomeLight, value: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the dome texture file attribute for a UsdLux.DomeLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.DomeLight

  • value – The string path value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createDomeTextureFormatAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.DomeLight, value: str, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the dome texture format attribute for a UsdLux.DomeLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.DomeLight

  • value – The UsdLux.Tokens format value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createSphereRadiusAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.SphereLight, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the sphere radius attribute for a UsdLux.SphereLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.SphereLight

  • value – The float radius value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createShapingConeAngleAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.ShapingAPI, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the cone angle attribute for a prim with UsdLux.ShapingAPI applied

  • prim – A prim to apply UsdLux.ShapingAPI

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createShapingConeSoftnessAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.ShapingAPI, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the cone softness attribute for a prim with UsdLux.ShapingAPI applied

  • prim – A prim to apply UsdLux.ShapingAPI

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createRectWidthAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.RectLight, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the width attribute for a UsdLux.RectLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.RectLight

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createRectHeightAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.RectLight, value: float, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the height attribute for a UsdLux.RectLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.RectLight

  • value – The float value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.createRectTextureFileAttr(prim: pxr.UsdLux.RectLight, value: pxr.Sdf.AssetPath, time: pxr.Usd.TimeCode = nan) None

Author the texture file attribute for a UsdLux.RectLight prim

  • prim – A prim from a UsdLux.RectLight

  • value – The string value to set both old and new USD schema properties

  • time – The time at which the attribute value is written

omni.connect.core.registerOmniUsdResolverPlugin() bool

Register the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin from the configured directory path.


Nucleus is a compile-time optional feature which the Omniverse USD Resolver requires. This function is only available if Nucleus was enabled at compile time.

The setting /omni.connect.core/usd/resolverPath will be used to locate the resolver plugin. This setting must be configured to point to a local filesystem directory containing a plugInfo.json file. It can be specified relative to $CARB_APP_PATH or as an absolute filesystem path.

If /omni.connect.core/usd/resolverPath is not set, the client connector must load the Omniverse USD Resolver Plugin another way (eg using the $PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME environment variable). This function can then be used to determine if the Omniverse USD Resolver Plugin was loaded successfully, but will not attempt to load it.

Note that all USD plugins in plugInfo.json in the directory the will be registered when calling this function, not just the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin.

Note that while this function can be called outside of startup(), doing so strictly requires that startup() be called first.


A bool indicating if the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin has been registered.

omni.connect.core.isOmniUri(uri: str) bool

Determine the URI points to an Omniverse server.

Note: This does not indicate whether the URI actually exists, just if it is formatted correctly.


A bool indicating if the URI refers to an Omniverse server.

omni.connect.core.isLocalUri(uri: str) bool

Determine the URI refers to a local file rather than on an Omniverse server.

Note: This does not indicate whether the URI actually exists locally.


A bool indicating if the URI refers to a local file.

omni.connect.core.doesUriExist(uri: str) bool

Determine if the URI exists and is accessible via the Omniverse Client Library.

Note this function respects user level access. If the connected user does not have read permissions for the URI (via omni.client.AccessFlags), then it will be reported as not existing.


A bool indicating if the URI exists.

omni.connect.core.isUriWritable(uri: str) bool

Determine if the user has write access to the file or directory identified by the URI


A bool indicating if the user can write to the URI.

omni.connect.core.getUser(uri: str) str

Determine the current username on a given Omniverse server.

If the URI points to a valid Omniverse server, it will be queried to find the associated username. If the server connection cannot be established, an empty string will be returned. This does not indicate whether the server exists, just that no connection was made. If the URI is a local file the OS username will be returned.


The current username.

omni.connect.core.createUriCheckpoint(uri: str, comment: str = None) bool

Add a commented checkpoint for given uri in Nucleus server if the Nucleus server supports checkpoint

  • uri – The uri of the file to add checkpoint.

  • comment – The checkpoints comment.


A bool indicating if the commented checkpoint was added successfully.

class omni.connect.core.LiveSession

This class wraps the Live Session operations on the USD Stage, USD Layer, Info, Channel, and Config classes.

  • The LiveSession class contains:

    • LiveSessionChannel class - handles messages between live clients (joining, leaving, merging)

    • LiveSessionInfo class - collects much of the context for the live session file paths and URIs

    • Live Session Config functions - reading and writing the live session configuration TOML file

    • Join, merge, and leave member functions - coordinate the live session classes and USD layer details

The expected usage of this class:

  • Create an instance using LiveSession::create()

  • Browse available sessions using LiveSession::getInfo() -> LiveSessionInfo::getSessionNames()

  • Pick a session from the list or decide to create a new session, call LiveSession::join() - set makeEditTarget to set the stage’s edit target

  • At this point the root stage’s session layer now has a .live sublayer and the edit target is set to this .live layer

  • Changes made to the stage are directed to the .live layer. To sync with Nucleus use omniClientLiveProcess()

  • Changes from other clients automatically appear in the .live layer, USD Tf Notifications allow the app to reason about incoming changes to the stage

  • The Live Channel should be periodically processed and handled using LiveSession::getChannel() -> LiveSessionChannel::processMessages()

  • If the app wants to leave the session without merging, call LiveSession::leave()

  • The app can use either LiveSession::mergeToRoot() or LiveSession::mergeToNewLayer() to merge and leave the live session

  • At this point the LiveSession shared pointer can be destroyed or go out of scope

static create(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. create(rootStage: pxr.Usd.Stage) -> omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession

    Create an Omniverse live session class.

    Note, live sessions are only supported on stages resident on Omniverse Nucleus servers, not local disk.


    rootStage: The root USD stage in the live session (must reside on a Nucleus server)


    LiveSession: A live session interface shared pointer, None if rootStage is invalid

  2. create(rootStage: pxr.Usd.Stage, info: omni::connect::core::LiveSessionInfo) -> omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession

    Create an Omniverse live session class.

    Note, live sessions are only supported on stages resident on Omniverse Nucleus servers, not local disk.


    rootStage: The root USD stage in the live session (must reside on a Nucleus server) info: The LiveSessionInfo to attach to


    LiveSession: A live session interface shared pointer, None if rootStage is invalid

getChannel(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession) omni::connect::core::LiveSessionChannel

Get the Live Session Channel interface

Note, the returned channel interface is disconnected after the LiveSession is deleted


The LiveSessionChannel interface, None if session was not joined

getInfo(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession) omni::connect::core::LiveSessionInfo

Get the Live Session Info interface

Note, the returned info interface is invalid after the LiveSession is deleted


The LiveSessionInfo interface, None if root stage was invalid upon creation

hasPrimSpecsInRootLayer(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession) bool

Returns whether there are any prim specs defined in the layer

If a stage’s root layer contains prim specs, then “overs” from a sublayer that affect those prim specs may be hidden. This is useful to know when merging a live session layer back to the stage. The general guidance is that if there are any prim specs defined in a stage’s root layer then the live layer should be merged into the stage’s root layer. If there are no prim specs defined in a stage’s root layer then either merging to the root layer or a new sublayer will work.

See LiveSession::mergeToRoot() and LiveSession::mergeToNewLayer() for more merging live changes to the root stage


Whether the stage’s root layer has any prim specs defined

join(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession, sessionName: str, makeEditTarget: bool = True) pxr.Sdf.Layer

Join an existing or create a new live session

This function performs these steps:

  • Init the LiveSessionInfo

  • If session config file exists, validate the version

  • Create new session config file if it doesn’t exist

  • Create and join the LiveSessionChannel

  • Create a new .live layer if it doesn’t exist

  • Add the session’s .live layer the root stage’s session layer if it’s not already a sublayer

  • If makeEditTarget is set then make the new .live layer the stage’s edit target

If the app chooses to not set makeEditTarget, then it must set the stage’s edit target using something like: rootStage->SetEditTarget(pxr::UsdEditTarget(liveLayer))

  • sessionName – The intended name of the live session.

  • makeEditTarget – If True the rootStage edit target will be set to the live layer. Defaults to True.


A valid live layer if the session was joined successfully. Note that this is a weak pointer that expires after merging or leaving the session.

leave(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession, resetEditTarget: bool = True) None

Leave the live session without merging

This function performs these steps:

  • Remove the .live layer from the root stage’s session layer

  • Set the stage’s edit target to the root layer (if resetEditTarget true)

  • Send a message to the live channel that the merge is finished


resetEditTarget – Set the edit target to the stage’s root layer if true. Defaults to True.

mergeToNewLayer(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession, targetLayerUri: str = None, checkpointComment: str = None, resetEditTarget: bool = True, fileFormatArgs: Dict[str, str] = {}) bool

Merge live changes to target layer, insert as a root stage sublayer

This function will merge changes from a live session layer into a new sublayer of the root stage. It will also execute all of the steps defined in mergeToRoot().

Note, if the target layer already exists the contents will be cleared

Note, if targetLayerUri is null, the layer name will be autogenerated as $(stage parent URI)/$(stageNameStem)_$(sessionName)_nn.usd (_nn only appended if required for uniqueness)

  • targetLayerUri – The absolute URI for the new targetLayerUri, if null then it will be autogenerated in the root stage’s directory.

  • checkpointComment – An optional checkpoint comment added to the root and live layers

  • resetEditTarget – Set the edit target to the stage’s root layer if true. Defaults to True.

  • fileFormatArgs – Additional file format-specific arguments to be supplied during target layer creation.


Whether the session was merged

mergeToRoot(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSession, checkpointComment: str = None, resetEditTarget: bool = True) bool

Merge live changes to root layer.

This function will merge changes from a live session layer into the root stage layer.

Specifically, this function performs these steps:

  • Check if the current user has the authority to merge the session and ACL to write the changes

  • Send a message to the live channel that the merge has started

  • Checkpoint the .live layer

  • Checkpoint the root stage

  • Merge the changes into the root stage (root layer or a new layer and insert the new sublayer into the root stage)

  • Save and checkpoint the stage’s root layer

  • Clear the .live layer

  • Remove the .live layer from the root stage’s session layer

  • Set the stage’s edit target to the root layer (if resetEditTarget true)

  • Send a message to the live channel that the merge is finished

  • checkpointComment – An optional checkpoint comment added to the root and live layers

  • resetEditTarget – Set the edit target to the stage’s root layer if True. Defaults to True.


Whether the session was merged

class omni.connect.core.LiveSessionInfo

A class that stores and validates Omniverse Live Session URIs and names.

Live session context data is stored under a .live folder within the root stage’s folder. Stage-specific and session-specific folders are used under the .live folder to contain all of the data in one place. These are the important files within the session folder:

  • Live Layer URI: <stage_folder> / <.live> / <> / <> /

  • Live Config URI: <stage_folder> / <.live> / <> / <> / __session__.toml

  • Live Channel URI: <stage_folder> / <.live> / <> / <> /

Possible usecase of browsing for existing sessions on a root USD stage and connecting to one:

  • Create a LiveSessionInfo with the root stage URI

  • Use getSessionNames() and present them to the user

  • The user selects a session and that session name is passed to init()

  • Access the live session configuration file using getLiveSessionConfig() with LiveSessionInfo.getConfigUri()

  • Join the live session message channel using LiveSessionChannel.create() with LiveSessionInfo.getChannelUri()

  • Add the .live layer from LiveSessionInfo.getLiveLayerUri() to the root USD stage’s session sublayers and set it as the edit target

static create(rootStageUri: str) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo

Create an Omniverse live session info class

The LiveSessionInfo class is first instantiated with the root stage URI (omniverse://server/folder/stage.usd), then LiveSessionInfo.getSessionNames() can be used to list the available sessions.

Once a session name is determined, LiveSessionInfo.init() will finish the initialization of all of the paths and the other methods can be used.

Note: The static factory method LiveSessionInfo.create() returns a std::shared_ptr so object lifetime is managed by scope.


uri – The live session’s root stage URI


A live session info interface shared pointer (std::shared_ptr<LiveSessionInfo>). If rootStageUri is invalid then returns NoneType.

exists(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) bool

Check for the existence of the session config (TOML) file

This method returns an empty string until the session name is set with LiveSessionInfo.init()


Whether the session config file exists

getAllSessionsFolderUri(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) str

Get the URI for the folder that contains all of the live sessions

The Connector may want to watch this folder for new sessions, or poll it in a way that is different than how this class does.

eg. <stage_folder> / <.live> / <>


The folder URI where all of the live sessions for the stage are stored

getChannelUri(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) str

Get the URI for the live session Omniverse message channel file

This channel file URI should be passed to LiveSessionChannel.create()

This method returns an empty string until the session name is set with LiveSessionInfo.init()


The live session message channel URI

getConfigUri(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) str

Get the URI for the live session configuration file (currently implemented as TOML)

This config file URI should be passed to getLiveSessionConfig() or createLiveSessionConfigFile()

This method returns an empty string until the session name is set with LiveSessionInfo.init()


The live session configuration file URI

getLiveLayerUri(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) str

Get the URI for the .live layer file

This method returns an empty string until the session name is set with LiveSessionInfo.init()


The .live layer URI for the session

getName(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) str

Get the live session name

This method returns an empty string until the session name is set with LiveSessionInfo.init()


The name of the live session

getRootStageUri(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) str

Get the root stage URI for the live session


The root stage URI that was passed to the create() method

static getSessionNameFromUri(sessionLink: str) str

Extracts the sessionName from a live session link uri ie: omniverse://ov/helloworld.usd?live_session_name=Default -> Default


sessionLink – The session link to break


The session name or empty string if live_session_name not in query params

Return type


getSessionNames(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo) List[str]

Get a list of existing sessions for the stage

Note: this validates that each session actually exists by checking for the existence of the session config file


A list of session names

init(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionInfo, sessionName: str) bool

Set the session name and initialize the class so all member functions return complete URIs

Many of the class methods don’t function correctly until this method is called Session names must start with an alphabetical character, but may contain alphanumeric, hyphen, or underscore characters.

Note: The session doesn’t need to already exist to be valid, the intent is to generate all of the necessary URIs so the application can then either join or create the new session files.


sessionName – The intended name of the live session


Whether the session info was initialized correctly

class omni.connect.core.LiveSessionChannel

A class for connecting, sending, processing, and receiving Live Session channel messages. These messages are used to coordinate different Live Session events:

  • Users joining and leaving the session

  • Users peeking into the session to see who is connected

  • Users merging live changes and ending a session

The channel class implementation handles interaction with an Omniverse Nucleus channel, which is a mechanism to broadcast messages to all connected clients. When messages are received it will queue them, allowing the client to poll for them any time. When messages that specifically identify connected users are received, this class will maintain a list of connected users which the client can also poll.

This class also has a state machine that will automatically respond to Join and GetUsers messages from other clients with a Hello message.

This class does not run message processing in a dedicated thread, so processMessages() is is used to process the Join/Hello state machine and populate the user list.

class Message

Live session channel message structure that defines the type and who sent it

property type

The message type (LiveSessionChannelMessageType) (Join, Left, MergeStarted, etc.)

property user

The user (LiveSessionChannelUser) that sent the message

class MessageType

Live session channel message type


eJoin : Sent by the Channel class when joining a channel

eHello : Sent as a response when another client sends a Join or GetUsers message

eGetUsers : Sent by a client to determine what users are in the session

eLeft : Sent when the user leaves the channel

eMergeStarted : Sent when the Admin client is starting the merge process. When clients receive this message they should immediately disable further changes to the .live layer

eMergeFinished : Sent when the merge is complete

eInvalid : Invalid message

property name
class User

Live session channel user structure that defines connected clients

property app

The name of the application used to connect to live session

property id

The user ID assigned by the Omniverse Client Library, eg. WD34WRMUJHLU7Q1M

property name

The user name used to connect to the Nucleus server

static create(uri: str, sendJoinMessage: bool = True) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel

Create and join an Omniverse live session message channel

This is a factory to create and join a LiveSessionChannel. There is no join() method.

Note: Call omni.connect.core.startup() before this function to initialize required components

  • uri – The URI of the Nucleus channel (

  • sendJoinMessage – If true a Join message will be broadcast on the channel. Set to false to “peek” into a channel to see connected users.


A live session channel interface shared pointer (std::shared_ptr<LiveSessionChannel>)

static getMessageTypeName(msgType: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel.MessageType) str

Convert a live session channel message type to a string


msgType – The type of message to convert to a string


A string value for the message type

getUser(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel) omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel.User

Get current user


Current channel user

getUsers(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel, includeSelf: bool) List[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel.User]

Get all of the connected users


includeSelf – Whether to include this client user in list


A list of channel users

isConnected(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel) bool

Check if the channel is connected to an actual Nucleus channel file


Whether the channel is connected

leaveChannel(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel) None

Leave the channel

Note: This function will only send a “Left” message if sendJoinMessage was true in create()

processMessages(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel) List[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel.Message]

Process and retrieve all of the pending channel messages

This function drives the state machine that responds to other clients and populates the connected users list. It must be run periodically.

Note: It is safe to call this function from multiple threads simultaneously, the internal user and message queues are protected by mutexes


A list of received messages

sendMessage(self: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel, messageType: omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionChannel.MessageType) bool

Send a channel message


messageType – The type of message to send


Whether the message was sent correctly

class omni.connect.core.LiveSessionConfig

Live session configuration keys


eVersion : Used for session file compatibility

eAdmin : The session “owner” or “administrator” that is granted merge permissions

eStageUri : The URI for the USD stage in the session

eMode :
The live mode.

default or root_authoring : changes made in a live session are targeted to a single .live layer.” auto_authoring : changes made in a live session are targeted to one of many .live layers that are associated with sublayers within the root stage”;

eDescription : A description for the live session

eName : The session name

eInvalid : Invalid

property name
omni.connect.core.getLiveSessionConfig(uri: str) Dict[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionConfig, str]

Get a configuration value from an existing Live Session configuration file

This function requires that the session config already exists, otherwise it will fail


uri – The location of the existing session config file


All configuration values in the live settings config (LiveSessionConfig-value pairs)

omni.connect.core.createLiveSessionConfigFile(uri: str, config: Dict[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionConfig, str]) bool

Create a Live Session configuration file

The current serialization for these config files is TOML.

  • uri – The location of the new session config file

  • config – A dictionary of LiveSessionConfig-value pairs


Whether the session config file was created successfully

omni.connect.core.setLiveSessionConfigValues(uri: str, config: Dict[omni.connect.core._omni_connect_core.LiveSessionConfig, str]) bool

Set configuration values in an existing Live Session configuration file

This function requires that the session config already exists, otherwise it will fail

  • uri – The location of the existing session config file

  • config – A dictionary of LiveSessionConfig-value pairs


Whether the session config file was updated successfully

omni.connect.core.isLiveSessionVersionCompatible(uri: str) bool

Check that the session config version is compatible [major.minor]

If major is the same, return true, else return false. This works under the assumption that future minor versions will still work.


uri – The location of the existing session config file


Whether the session config file version is compatible with this API