Develop a USD Explorer App

In the previous section we created a rather simple app from scratch in order to learn basic aspects of Application creation. Building on that knowledge we now continue with a more complex and feature rich Application: a USD Explorer Application. The USD Explorer is an NVIDIA “reference Application”. Its purpose is to demonstrate Omniverse platform capabilities so that developers can quickly get started with creating more advanced solutions. You can read more about the Application here.


The Omniverse USD Explorer Application is composed of many curated Extensions from Kit SDK. These have been been through quality control to ensure they work together in concert with the specific settings of the USD Explorer Application.

In this tutorial, we encourage developers to explore using all Extensions available on the platform; however, it’s imporant to recognize the need to scrutinise any new Application based on the example. Adding existing Extensions, adding new Extensions, and changing settings are all reasons to do careful quality control of the new app if it is to be used for production.

This section covers:

  • Customizing the Application through settings.

  • Adding new functionality by creating a new Python Extension.

  • Hot loading Python code changes in the app.

  • Adding a menu item to reveal a window.

  • Connect VSCode to the app for debugging Python code.

  • Write tests that simulate user interactions.

  • How to develop Applications for Omniverse Cloud.

Setup a New App

This project provides an omni.usd_explorer.kit file as an example of a feature rich Application. Let’s duplicate the omni.usd_explorer.kit app and the associated omni.usd_explorer.setup Extension. You could also just rename the existing files - but duplicating them allows keeping an original around for reference.

Duplicate Files

  1. Duplicate .\source\apps\omni.usd_explorer.kit. Name the new file my_company.usd_explorer.kit.

  2. Duplicate directory .\source\extensions\omni.usd_explorer.setup. Name the new directory my_company.usd_explorer.setup.

  3. Rename the omni folder in .\source\extensions\my_company.usd_explorer.setup\ to my_company.

  4. Replace omni.usd_explorer.setup within the new files with my_company.usd_explorer.setup.

    1. In VSCode, use Edit > Replace in Files:

      Visual Studio Code Search

    2. For each entry in my_company.usd_explorer.kit and entries in the my_company.usd_explorer.setup directory use the Replace button:

      Visual Studio Code Search

  5. In .\my_company.usd_explorer.setup\premake5.lua, change repo_build.prebuild_link { "omni", ext.target_dir.."/omni" } to repo_build.prebuild_link { "my_company", ext.target_dir.."/my_company" }.


Configure build tool to recognize the new Application.

  1. Open .\kit-app-template\premake5.lua.

  2. Find the section -- Apps:.

  3. Add an entry for the new app: define_app("my_company.usd_explorer"). Optionally remove the entry define_app("omni.usd_explorer").

Build & Verify

Run a build and verify that the new Application works by starting it:

  • Windows: .\_build\windows-x86_64\release\my_company.usd_explorer.bat

  • Linux: ./_build/linux-x86_64/release/


The first time the Application launches it could take a while. In the shell, you’ll eventually see RTX ready - this is when the app is done initializing.

Try running it again and you should note a much faster startup time.

My Company USD Explorer


If you accidentally missed a step and the build fails, or if there are errors finding the my_company.usd_explorer.setup Extension on startup:

  1. Make any necessary changes in .\source.

  2. Remove _build directory with command build -c or delete the directory manually.

  3. Run a new build.

Customize App via Settings

We’ve established that the [settings] section of a kit file allows a low code approach to change the behavior of an Extension. But how do you know what settings are available to begin with? Let’s use the Debug Settings Extension and do some customizations of the app.

Enable Debug Settings Window

Extensions are free to declare any setting. There is no hardcoded set of named settings. Use the Debug Settings window to explore what settings are available.

Add dependency "omni.kit.debug.settings" = {} to my_company.usd_explorer.kit. The next time you run the app the window will appear - just close the WELCOME TO OMNIVERSE window to access it.

Example: Title Bar (Windows only)

The title bar Extension is at this writing a Windows-only feature. It creates a custom title bar for the Application where icon, font styles, title etc can be customized via settings.

Explore Extension Settings

  1. Run the app again.

  2. Close the WELCOME TO OMNIVERSE window.

  3. Search for omni.kit.window.modifier.titlebar within the Debug Settings window and open the exts section. Now you can explore the various settings for the Extension.

    Debug Settings Window

Edit Extension Settings

  1. In my_company.usd_explorer.kit, search for [settings.exts."omni.kit.window.modifier.titlebar"].

titleFormatString = "  USD EXPLORER {verKey:/app/version,font_color=0x909090} {separator} {file, board=true}"
showFileFullPath = true
icon.file = "${my_company.usd_explorer.setup}/data/nvidia-omniverse-usd_explorer.ico"
icon.size = 18
icon.use_size = true
defaultFont.size = 18
defaultFont.color = 0xD0D0D0
  1. Now you are able to change for example the title from USD EXPLORER to MY COMPANY USD EXPLORER within the titleFormatString setting.

  2. Observe how resources are referenced by the icon.file setting: ${my_company.usd_explorer.setup} is the root directory of the given Extension and /data/nvidia-omniverse-usd_explorer.ico is the file being referenced from within that Extension. Feel free to change that icon but be sure to keep the same resolution. If a path needs to be relative to the app - the .kit file - then use ${app}.

  3. Run the app to see changes.

Example: Asset Browser (Windows & Linux)

The Asset Browser Extension presents files from a list of locations - providing end users with intuitive access to content libraries. Customization of the location list can easily be done via a .kit file.

Explore Extension Settings

  1. Run the app again.

  2. Close the WELCOME TO OMNIVERSE window.

  3. Search for omni.kit.browser.asset within the Debug Settings window and open the exts section to see settings used by the Extension. Here we see that the omni.kit.browser.asset.folders setting provides a list of locations.

    Debug Settings Window

Edit Extension Settings

In my_company.usd_explorer.kit, find the settings line that starts with "omni.kit.browser.asset".folders. Add a local folder - or some Nucleus directory - that has some USD files in it - here’s an example adding a My Company Assets directory to the list:


"omni.kit.browser.asset".folders = [
      "C:/My Company Assets",


"omni.kit.browser.asset".folders = [
      "/home/my_username/My Company Assets",
  1. Run the app and switch to the Layout mode.

  2. Select the NVIDIA Assets browser - the folder you added is now listed on the left.

NVIDIA Assets browser

Observe just how easy it was to change the behavior of the Asset Browser. Keep this in mind when you create Extensions of your own: expose configurable settings where appropriate. Think of the settings as part of the public API of the Extension.

Create an Extension

Adding functionality to Applications - beyond what is available in existing Extensions - is done by creating new Extensions. Here we’ll create a new Extension and use it in the app.

  1. Create a new Extension using repo template new command (command cheat-sheet).

    1. For What do you want to add choose extension.

    2. For Choose a template choose python-extension-window.

    3. Enter name my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial.

    4. Leave version as 0.1.0.

    5. The new Extension is created in .\source\extensions\my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial.

The added Extension has this directory structure:

# Extension root directory
        # `extension.toml` is the equivalence of an Application .kit file.
        # This is where package metadata, dependencies and settings are managed.
    # The `data` folder contains resources. At this point it contains some images
    # used to display the Extension in the Extension Manager.
    # The `docs` folder contains both the `` and files for building docs.
                    # A sample of Python files for tests.
                    # These are configured to be used only when the Application runs
                    # in `test` mode.
                # These are the Python modules used by the Application.
                # The directory can have as many files as needed - and subdirectories.
    # `premake5.lua` makes the build process recognize and build the Extension.
    # Without this file nothing inside the my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial directory
    # is included in the build.

Let’s add the Extension to the app:

  1. In my_company.usd_explorer.kit, add "my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial" = {} in the [dependencies] section.

  2. Do a build.

  3. Run the app again.

  4. Close the WELCOME TO OMNIVERSE window so the My Window can be seen.

    My Company Window

Hot Loading Python Code Changes

  1. If you closed the app, start it up again and make sure the added window is visible.

  2. Open from .\source\extensions\my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial\my_company\usd_explorer\tutorial.

  3. Change one of the button labels; for example, change ui.Button("Add", clicked_fn=on_click) to ui.Button("Increase", clicked_fn=on_click).

  4. Save the file and look at what happened to the button in the Application. It was updated.

NOTE: When working with Python Extensions it is possible to leave the Application running when smaller changes are made to the source code. This immediate feedback can be rather useful when making iterative changes.

Show Window from a Menu

Change the contents of to the below. This will create a My Company Window omni.ui.MenuItem inside the already existing Window menu for showing the new window. Note that we’re renaming the window from My Window to My Company Window.

import omni.ext
import omni.ui as ui
import omni.kit.ui

# Functions and vars are available to other Extension as usual in python: `example.python_ext.some_public_function(x)`
def some_public_function(x: int):
   print(f"[] some_public_function was called with {x}")
   return x ** x

# Any class derived from `omni.ext.IExt` in top level module (defined in `python.modules` of `extension.toml`) will be
# instantiated when Extension gets enabled and `on_startup(ext_id)` will be called. Later when Extension gets disabled
# on_shutdown() is called.
class MyExtension(omni.ext.IExt):
    # ext_id is current Extension id. It can be used with Extension manager to query additional information, like where
    # this Extension is located on filesystem.

    def on_startup(self, ext_id):
        # Initialize some properties
        self._count = 0
        self._window = None
        self._menu = None

        # Create a menu item inside the already existing "Window" menu.
        editor_menu = omni.kit.ui.get_editor_menu()
        if editor_menu:
            self._menu = editor_menu.add_item("Window/My Company Window", self.show_window, toggle=True, value=False)

    def on_shutdown(self):
        self._window = None
        self._menu = None

    def show_window(self, menu_path: str, visible: bool):
        if visible:
            # Create window
            self._window = ui.Window("My Company Window", width=300, height=300)
            with self._window.frame:
                with ui.VStack():
                    label = ui.Label("")

                    def on_click():
                        self._count += 1
                        label.text = f"count: {self._count}"

                    def on_reset():
                        self._count = 0
                        label.text = "empty"


                    with ui.HStack():
                        ui.Button("Add", clicked_fn=on_click)
                        ui.Button("Reset", clicked_fn=on_reset)

        elif self._window:
            # Remove window
            self._window = None
            self._count = 0

        editor_menu = omni.kit.ui.get_editor_menu()
        if editor_menu:
            editor_menu.set_value("Window/My Company Window", visible)

    def _visiblity_changed_fn(self, visible):
        editor_menu = omni.kit.ui.get_editor_menu()
        if editor_menu:
            # Toggle the checked state of the menu item
            editor_menu.set_value("Window/My Company Window", visible)


  1. Run the Application again.

  2. Close the WELCOME TO OMNIVERSE window.

  3. Click the Layout tab.

  4. Open the new window from Window > My Company Window.

Debug Code

Let’s use the tutorial Extension to explore how to debug Python Extensions running in an App. Kit SDK provides omni.kit.debug.vscode that enables Visual Studio Code to attach to a Kit process. Let’s use this Extension and trigger a breakpoint when using the Add button in our window.

Visual Studio Code Setup

The project includes a .\.vscode\launch.json file which is a configuration for connecting with the debugger. Note the port number 3000: this is the default port used by omni.kit.debug.vscode.

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Remote Attach",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "attach",
            "connect": {
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 3000
            "pathMappings": [
                    "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
                    "remoteRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
            "justMyCode": true,
            "subProcess": true,
            "runtimeArgs" : [

Application Setup

Add "omni.kit.debug.vscode" = {} to the dependencies section of the my_company.usd_explorer.kit.

Attach & Debug

  1. Run the my_company.usd_explorer app.

  2. Note the VS Code Link window.

  3. Return to VSCode.

    1. Click the Run and Debug button on the left toolbar.

      Visual Studio Code Run and Debug

    2. Select the Python: Remote Attach option - as named in the above launch.json : "name": "Python: Remote Attach".

    3. Now click the button to run in debug mode:

      Visual Studio Code Run and Debug

  4. Return to the my_company.usd_explorer app and note that the debugger is attached:

  5. Open ".\my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial\my_company\usd_explorer\tutorial\ and set a breakpoint inside the on_click() method.

  6. Bring up the My Company Window in the app and click on the Add button. The breakpoint in VS Code should be triggered at this point. Observe that the Python file in VSCode is the file in the _build directory: you set the breakpoint on the source file and the breakpoint triggers within the build files.

Be sure to remove the omni.kit.debug.vscode dependency from the app when you are done debugging.


Now that we know the Extensions works we want to keep it that way. Kit SDK provides a framework for running tests that assert functionalities as Applications and Extensions are improved with more and more functionality.

The my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial’s extension.toml file has a section where additional dependencies can be added for when tests run.

# Extra dependencies only to be used during test run
dependencies = [
    "omni.kit.ui_test" # UI testing Extension

The omni.kit.test Extension which provides the foundation for running tests does not need to be added as a dependency because it is added to the executables by the build process. We added omni.kit.ui_test because it enables using the UI in tests.

The Extension’s module contains the tests:

  • It imports modules from within the Extension.

  • Function test_hello_public_function is an example of asserting a method on a module.

  • Function test_window_button is an example of including UI elements in a test. Buttons are found by their UI path and then button clicks are simulated.

Run Test

The .\_build\windows-x86_64\release directory contains a number of bat files for testing Extensions and Applications. To run the test of this specific Extension run the tests-my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial.bat file inside of a command line to see the output.

Adjust the Test

Note that the test fails because it can’t find the UI elements. That’s because we changed the UI behavior: the My Company Window window does not open automatically. We need to simulate a user opening the window in order for the UI elements to be found:

Edit the extension.toml’s [[test]] section by adding as a dependency. This allows the menu to appear just like it would when the Extension is part of an Application.

# Extra dependencies only to be used during test run
dependencies = [
   "omni.kit.ui_test" # UI testing Extension

Also in the [[test]] section, comment out the "--no-window" line. This will allow you to see the UI when running the test.

args = [
    # "--no-window"

In, add await ui_test.menu_click("Window/My Company Window") at the beginning of the test_window_button method. This simulates a user showing the window.

async def test_window_button(self):
   # Simulate user clicking menuitem to show window
   await ui_test.menu_click("Window/My Company Window")

Continue adjusting by changing the UI paths starting with My Window/: set to My Company Window/ instead.

# Find a label in our window
label = ui_test.find("My Company Window//Frame/**/Label[*]")

# Find buttons in our window
add_button = ui_test.find("My Company Window//Frame/**/Button[*].text=='Add'")
reset_button = ui_test.find("My Company Window//Frame/**/Button[*].text=='Reset'")

Run the test again. Notice how the menu is clicked - and the test is successful again.

As additional functionality is added to the Extension, more tests can be added to make sure manual QA can be kept to a minimum.

Test coverage can be reported as part of running the test by passing the --coverage argument to the executable: tests-my_company.usd_explorer.tutorial.bat --coverage. Note that --coverage should only be used for individual Extensions - not Applications. Read more here about code coverage.


Reference: omni.kit.test

Reference: omni.kit.ui_test

Reference: Python Test

Reference: C++ Test

Develop for Omniverse Cloud

If you are not familiar with Omniverse Cloud then you can read more here and revisit this section in the future.

In the above steps you worked with the omni.usd_explorer.kit file as a starting point. You may have noticed the neighboring omni.usd_explorer.ovc.kit file. The latter is a file to use when you plan for an app to run on Omniverse Cloud (OVC).

Applications streamed from OVC are very similar to Applications that run on workstations. There are some small but necessary differences in settings mostly.

Observe that omni.usd_explorer is a dependency inside omni.usd_explorer.ovc.kit. The “ovc” app is composed with the “base”:

# the base App
"omni.usd_explorer" = {}

If you wanted to develop a my_company.usd_explorer app for OVC you would:

  1. Duplicate the omni.usd_explorer.ovc.kit and name it my_company.usd_explorer.ovc.kit.

  2. In my_company.usd_explorer.ovc.kit, change the dependency "omni.usd_explorer" = {} to "my_company.usd_explorer" = {}.

  3. Change the [] section to:

generateVersionLockExclude = ["my_company.usd_explorer"]
  1. Add define_app("my_company.usd_explorer.ovc") in .\premake5.lua.

The developer workflow for creating an OVC app:

  • Continue developing for the workstation. At the very least, you as a developer still need the ability to run the app locally to test functionality.

    • Do most changes to dependencies and settings in the “base” kit file. Only make changes in the “ovc” kit file when the change is only relevant to running the app on OVC.

    • The changes you make in the “base” kit file are automatically picked up by the “ovc” app.

  • When you package the app, use fat packaging for OVC publishing. You can package both apps in a single package.


Hopefully this tutorial has been beneficial thus far. We’ve covered everything from creating apps, how to configure dependencies and settings, how to debug and test code. At this point it’s all about iterating on functionality; however, let’s assume that has already been completed. Let’s fast-forward and imagine we want to give the app to end users. Please continue reading through the Package App and Publish App sections to learn how to do just that.