Omniverse Documentation System Glossary

The Omniverse Documentation System uses the following terminology.


Each project can have one or more “builds”. Build settings are inherited from the project but can be redefined per-build. Builds can also be defined at the global repo_docs level. Build are used to conditionally include documents in the output. Additionally, builds can be used to conditionally include snippets of code within an .rst file. See Multiple Builds in a Repo for more information.


The repository may define one or more “editions” to publish. An edition defines where to publish the generated output. See Publishing Documentation for more information.


Synonym for build.


A repository may contain one or more “projects”. Project settings are inherited from the global repo_docs settings but can also be redefined per-project. While repo_docs supports multiple projects in repo.toml the common case is for a repository to contain a single “default” project. See Multiple Projects in a Repo for more information.


The Omniverse Documentation System is able to publish (i.e. upload) the generated documentation to multiple end-points. For example, the tool is able to upload to an S3 bucket or a git repository. The block of settings defining these end-points called an edition. See Publishing Documentation for more information.


The name of the tool that coordinates the building and publishing of documentation. The tool’s settings (and therefore all documentation settings), are stored in the repository’s repo.toml. See Quick Start Guide for more information.


The top-level repository file used to store settings for the Omniverse Documentation System (i.e. repo_docs).


The version control system (e.g. git) repository that contains one or more documentation projects. For example, in git, to clone a repository:

git clone

The resulting repo_docs directory is the repository.


The Omniverse Documentation System runs in multiple stages. By default, stages needed to produce a reviewable document are executed. However, clever use of the --stage flag can elide some of these stages, leading to faster iteration times. See Build Stages for more information.