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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldAPIForce field base class that simply specifies the position and enables or disables the ForceField
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldConicalAPIA conical force field that attracts and/or repels rigid bodies from a central point, but not outside of the cone angle limit, depending on the function coefficients
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldDragAPIA force field that slows rigid bodies by generating a force that is opposite to their velocity direction using the forumula f = -linear * v - square * v^2
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldLinearAPIA linear force field that attracts and/or repels rigid bodies from a line, defined by a point and direction vector, depending on the function coefficients
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldNoiseAPIA force field that adds randomized motion to a rigid body
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldPlanarAPIA planar force field that attracts and/or repels rigid bodies from a plane, defined by a point and normal vector, depending on the function coefficients
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldRingAPIA force field that applies forces to rotate rigid bodies around a ring, defined by a normal axis through the center of the ring and radius from that axis
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldSphericalAPIA spherical force field that attracts and/or repels rigid bodies from a central point depending on the function coefficients
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldSpinAPIA force field that applies forces to rotate rigid bodies around a line, defined by a spin axis, and varies with the function coefficients
oCForceFieldSchemaPhysxForceFieldWindAPIA force field that simulates an unsteady wind that pushes rigid bodies
oCForceFieldSchemaTokensTypeForceFieldSchemaTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API
oCPhysxSchemaJointStateAPIThe PhysicsJointStateAPI is applied to a joint primitive (i.e
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxArticulationAPIPhysX articulation extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxAutoAttachmentAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxAutoParticleClothAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraAPIPhysX camera
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraDroneAPIPhysX drone camera that follows its subject from the air as it drives
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraFollowAPIPhysX camera that follows behind the subject as it moves
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraFollowLookAPIPhysX camera that follows behind the subject's forward vector as it moves
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraFollowVelocityAPIPhysX camera that follows behind the subject's velocity vector as it moves, which allows the subject to roll and tumble
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCharacterControllerAPIPhysxCharacterControllerAPI can be applied to a capsuleGeom
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCollisionAPIPhysX collision extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxContactReportAPIEnables contact reporting for a rigid body or articulation
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxConvexDecompositionCollisionAPIPhysX convex decomposition extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxConvexHullCollisionAPIPhysX convex hull collision extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCookedDataAPIPhysX cooked data storage
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableBodyAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableBodyMaterialAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableSurfaceAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableSurfaceMaterialAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDiffuseParticlesAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxForceAPIPhysX schema API that applies a force and torque to a rigid body (UsdGeom.Xformable with UsdPhysicsRigidBodyAPI)
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxHairAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxHairMaterialAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxIsosurfaceAPIApplied to a PhysxParticleSystem
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxJointAPIPhysX joint extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxMaterialAPIPhysX material extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxMeshMergeCollisionAPIPhysxMeshMergeCollisionAPI enables implicit mesh merging of given meshes with respect to physics collision geometry representation
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxMimicJointAPIApplied to a Physics Joint that must be part of an articulation
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleAnisotropyAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleClothAPIDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleIsosurfaceAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSamplingAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSetAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSmoothingAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSystemWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPBDMaterialAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachmentDeprecated: Will be replaced by a new deformable schema in a future release
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsDistanceJointAPIPhysX distance joint extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsGearJointPredefined gear joint type
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsInstancerCore class for instancing physics prims
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsJointInstancerPhysics joint instancer, the prototypes are expected to be UsdPhysicsJoint prim types
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsRackAndPinionJointPredefined rack & pinion joint type
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxResidualReportingAPIGives access to residual values that inform about the remaining physics solver error present during the last position and during the last velocity iteration
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxRigidBodyAPIPhysX rigid body extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSceneAPIPhysX scene extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSceneQuasistaticAPIPhysxSceneQuasistaticAPI defines quasistatic mode for simulation
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSDFMeshCollisionAPIPhysX SDF mesh extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSphereFillCollisionAPIPhysX sphere fill extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSurfaceVelocityAPIPhysxSurfaceVelocityAPI enables surface velocity simulation that injects velocity to the solver through internal contact modify callback
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAttachmentAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAttachmentLeafAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAttachmentRootAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAxisAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAxisRootAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriangleMeshCollisionAPIPhysX triangle mesh extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriangleMeshSimplificationCollisionAPIPhysX triangle mesh simplification extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriggerAPIPhysX trigger
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriggerStateAPIPhysX trigger state
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleAckermannSteeringAPIDescribes a steering system with Ackermann correction for two wheels
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleAPIPhysX vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleAutoGearBoxAPIProperties of the PhysX vehicle automatic gear shift box
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleBrakesAPIDescribes a braking system for a vehicle by specifying which wheels are connected to the brake control and by defining the brake torque that gets applied to those wheels
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleClutchAPIProperties of the PhysX vehicle clutch
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleContextAPIPhysX vehicles general settings
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleControllerAPIPhysX vehicle controller that samples user input to drive the vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleDriveBasicAPIVery simple drive model for a PhysX vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleDriveStandardAPIStandard drive model for a PhysX vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleEngineAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle engine
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleGearsAPIProperties of PhysX vehicle gears
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleMultiWheelDifferentialAPIDescribes which wheels of a vehicle are driven as well as the distribution of the drive torque among those wheels
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleNonlinearCommandResponseAPIDescribes a system of graphs to define nonlinear responses to PhysxVehicleControllerAPI command values like accelerator, brake0, brake1 and steer
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleSteeringAPIDescribes a steering system for a vehicle by specifying which wheels are connected to the steer control and by defining the maximum steer angle for those wheels (see PhysxVehicleControllerAPI for the steer control)
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleSuspensionAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle wheel suspension
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleSuspensionComplianceAPICompliance describes how toe and camber angle and force application points are affected by suspension compression
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTankControllerAPIPhysX vehicle tank controller to divert torque from the engine to the wheels of the tracks of a wheel based tank vehicle (see PhysxVehicleTankDifferentialAPI)
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTankDifferentialAPIDifferential to set up a wheeled tank vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTireAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle tire
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTireFrictionTableTable defining the friction values of a tire against a given set of ground materials
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleWheelAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle wheel
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleWheelAttachmentAPIFor every wheel of a vehicle, this class defines the attachment properties
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleWheelControllerAPIPhysX wheel controller that samples user input and allows direct control of the wheel torques and steer angle to drive the vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaTetrahedralMeshDeprecated: Will be replaced by UsdGeom.TetMesh in a future release
\CPhysxSchemaTokensTypePhysxSchemaTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API