@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@


Refer to Carbonite’s Testing.md to learn about using Doctest testing system.

You can also use –help on the command line for test.unit:

test.unit.exe --help

Although Omniverse adds additional options, there is also an online reference for Doctest command-line options

Running a single test case

In order to run a single test case, use the -tc (short for –test-case) with wildcard filters:

test.unit.exe -tc="*[rtx]*"

Commas can be used to add multiple filters:

test.unit.exe -tc="*[rtx]*,*[graphics]*"

Image comparison with a golden image

Some graphics tests allow you to compare visual tests with a golden image. This can be done by creating an instance of ImageComparison class. Each ImageComparison descriptor requires a unique GUID, and must be accompanied with the equivalent string version in C++ source as a comment for easy lookup.

Defining a test case:

ImageComparisonDesc desc =
    { 0x2ae3d60e, 0xbc3b, 0x48b6, { 0xa8, 0x67, 0xe0, 0xa0, 0x7c, 0xaa, 0x9e, 0xd0 } }, // 2AE3D60E-BC3B-48B6-A867-E0A07CAA9ED0

// Create Image comparison
imageComparison = new ImageComparison();

// register the test case (only once)
status = imageComparison->registerTestCase(&desc);

Regression testing of an executable with a golden image:

  • This is supported by any executable that uses carb.renderer (e.g. omnivserse-kit or rtx.example), in which it can capture and dump a frame.

  • NVF is not yet supported.

// 1- run an executable that supports CaptureFrame
std::string execPath;
std::string cmdLine;
ImageComparison::makeCaptureFrameCmdLine(500,             // Captures frame number 500
                                         &desc,           // ImageComparisonDesc desc
                                         "kit", // Executable's name
                                         execPath,        // Returns the executable path needed for executeCommand()
                                         cmdLine);        // Returns command line arguments needed for executeCommand()

// 2- Append any command line arguments you need to cmdLine with proper spaces
cmdLine += " --/rtx/debugView='normal'";

// 3- Run the application with a limited time-out
status = executeCommand(execPath, cmdLine, kExecuteTimeoutMs);

// 4- compare the golden image with the dumped output of the captured frame (located at $Grapehene$/outputs)
float result = 0.0f;
CHECK(m_captureFrame->compareResult(&desc, result) == ImageComparisonResult::eSuccess);
CHECK(result <= Approx(kMaxMeanSqrError)); // With ComparisonMetric::eMeanErrorSquared

Regression testing of a rendering test using comparison of backbuffer with a golden image:

// 1- Create an instance of CaptureFrame and initialize it
captureFrame = new CaptureFrame(m_gEnv->graphics, m_gEnv->device);
captureFrame->initializeCaptureFrame(RenderOpTest::kBackBufferWidth, RenderOpTest::kBackBufferHeight);

// 2- Render something

// 3- copy BackBuffer to CaptureFrame
captureFrame->copyBackBufferToHostBuffer(commandList, backBufferTexture);

// 4- Submit commands and wait to finish

// 5- compare the golden image with the BackBuffer (or dump it into the disk $Grapehene$/outputs)
float result = 0.0f;
CHECK(imageComparison->compareResult(&desc, captureFrame->readBufferData(true), captureFrame->getBufferSize(), result) == ImageComparisonResult::eSuccess);
CHECK(result == Approx(0.0f));
  • compareResult() also allows you to dump the BackBuffer into outputs folder on the disk. This can be done using the following option of test.unit executable:

test.unit.exe --carb-golden -tc="*[graphics]*,*[visual]*"
  • The following command allows executables to dump only the golden images of the test that fail our acceptable threshold:

test.unit.exe --carb-golden-failure -tc="*[graphics]*,*[visual]*"

How to update and upload a new golden image

  • Run the test in release mode.

// Example: regression testing of OmniverseKit executable
test.unit.exe -tc="*[omniverse-kit][rtx]*"

// Example: regression testing of visual rendering tests
test.unit.exe --carb-golden -tc="*[graphics]*,*[visual]*"

// Example: regression testing of visual rendering tests that fail our acceptable threshold
test.unit.exe --carb-golden-failure -tc="*[graphics]*,*[visual]*"
  • Verify and view the golden image that is added to outputs folder in Omniverse kit’s repo. It must be exactly what you expect to see. Name of the golden image is GUID of the test.

  • Copy the golden image from outputs folder to data\golden. This is a folder for git lfs data

  • Open a merge request with git-lfs data changes


  • All unit tests crash on textures or shaders:

    • You must have git lfs installed and initialize it.

    • Check files in data folder, and open them in a text editor. You should not see any URL or hash as content.

    • Install the latest driver (refer to readme.md)

  • executeCommand() fails:

    • A possible crash or assert in release mode.

    • A crash or hang during exit.

    • Time-out reached. Note that any assert dialog box in release mode may cause time-out.

  • compareResult() fails:

    • Rendering is broken, or a regression is introduced beyond the threshold.

  • outputs folder is empty for tests with a tag of [executable]:

    • A regression caused the app to fail.

How to use asset folder for storing data

  • Perform the following command to delete the existing _build\asset.override folder. That folder must be gone before proceeding further.

.\assets.bat clean
  • Stage assets. It copies data from assets to assets.override.

.\assets.bat stage
  • Modify any data under asset.override. Do NOT modify assets folder.

  • Upload and publish a new asset package:

.\assets.bat publish
  • Rebuild to download the new assets and run the the test to verify:

.\build.bat --rebuild
  • Open a merge request with new assets.packman.xml changes

Skipping Vulkan or Direct3D 12 graphics tests

In order to skip running a specific backend for graphical tests, use --carb-no-vulkan or --carb-no-d3d12.

test.unit.exe --carb-no-vulkan"