What’s in Fabric? Example Kit extension

What's in Fabric extension screenshot


The Kit extension registry has an extension that can be installed named What’s in Fabric?. This is a small Python extension that demonstrates a few concepts of working with the USDRT Scenegraph API:

  • Inspecting Fabric data using the USDRT Scenegraph API

  • Manipulating prim transforms in Fabric using the RtXformable schema

  • Deforming Mesh geometry on the GPU with USDRT and Warp

Enabling the extension

The What’s in Fabric? extension can be installed and enabled in the Extensions window.

Search for “usdrt” and find the extension titled WHATS IN FABRIC? USDRT EXAMPLE. Click the INSTALL button and enable the extension by clicking the ENABLED toggle.

What's in Fabric in extension browser

The extension will launch as a free-floating window, which can be docked anywhere you find convenient (or not at all).

Inspecting Fabric data

You can inspect data in Fabric by selecting any prim in the viewport or stage window, and then clicking the button labeled “What’s in Fabric?”.

Note that in the current implementation of the USDRT Scenegraph API, any creation of a usdrt UsdPrim (ex: stage.GetPrimAtPath()) will populate data for that prim into Fabric if has not yet been populated.

If you create a Torus Mesh in an empty scene…

Empty scene with torus mesh

and click “What’s in Fabric?”, you should see something like this in the UI:

What's in Fabric extension screenshot with data

The code to get all of the prim attribute values from Fabric is straightforward and familiar to those with USD experience. The get_fabric_data_for_prim function does all the work using the USDRT Scenegraph API, with is_vtarray and condensed_vtarray_str encapsulating some work around discovering VtArray instances and generating a printed representation for them.

import omni.usd
from usdrt import Usd, Sdf, Gf, Vt, Rt

def get_fabric_data_for_prim(stage_id, path):
    """Get the Fabric data for a path as a string
    if path is None:
        return "Nothing selected"

    stage = Usd.Stage.Attach(stage_id)

    # If a prim does not already exist in Fabric,
    # it will be fetched from USD by simply creating the
    # Usd.Prim object. At this time, only the attributes that have
    # authored opinions will be fetch into Fabric.
    prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(Sdf.Path(path))
    if not prim:
        return f"Prim at path {path} is not in Fabric"

    # This diverges a bit from USD - only attributes
    # that exist in Fabric are returned by this API
    attrs = prim.GetAttributes()

    result = f"Fabric data for prim at path {path}\n\n\n"
    for attr in attrs:
            data = attr.Get()
            datastr = str(data)
            if data is None:
                datastr = "<no value>"
            elif is_vtarray(data):
                datastr = condensed_vtarray_str(data)

        except TypeError:
            # Some data types not yet supported in Python
            datastr = "<no Python conversion>"

        result += "{} ({}): {}\n".format(attr.GetName(), str(attr.GetTypeName().GetAsToken()), datastr)

    return result

def is_vtarray(obj):
    """Check if this is a VtArray type

    In Python, each data type gets its own
    VtArray class i.e. Vt.Float3Array etc.
    so this helper identifies any of them.
    return hasattr(obj, "IsFabricData")

def condensed_vtarray_str(data):
    """Return a string representing VtArray data

    Include at most 6 values, and the total items
    in the array
    size = len(data)
    if size > 6:
        datastr = "[{}, {}, {}, .. {}, {}, {}] (size: {})".format(
            data[0], data[1], data[2], data[-3], data[-2], data[-1], size
        datastr = "["
        for i in range(size-1):
            datastr += str(data[i]) + ", "
        datastr += str(data[-1]) + "]"

    return datastr

The stage ID for the active stage in Kit can be retrieved using omni.usd.get_context().get_stage_id() - this is the ID of the USD stage in the global UsdUtilsStageCache, where Kit automatically adds all loaded stages.

Applying OmniHydra transforms using Rt.Xformable

The OmniHydra scene delegate that ships with Omniverse includes a fast path for prim transform manipulation with Fabric. The USDRT Scenegraph API provides the Rt.Xformable schema to facilitate those transform manipulations in Fabric. You can learn more about this in Working with OmniHydra Transforms

In this example, the Rotate it in Fabric! button will use the Rt.Xformable schema to apply a random world-space orientation to the selected prim. You can push the button multiple times to make the prim dance in place!

Torus mesh rotating

The code to apply the OmniHydra transform in Fabric is simple enough:

from usdrt import Usd, Sdf, Gf, Vt, Rt

def apply_random_rotation(stage_id, path):
    """Apply a random world space rotation to a prim in Fabric
    if path is None:
        return "Nothing selected"

    stage = Usd.Stage.Attach(stage_id)
    prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(Sdf.Path(path))
    if not prim:
        return f"Prim at path {path} is not in Fabric"

    rtxformable = Rt.Xformable(prim)

    # If this is the first time setting OmniHydra xform,
    # start by setting the initial xform from the USD stage
    if not rtxformable.HasWorldXform():

    # Generate a random orientation quaternion
    angle = random.random()*math.pi*2
    axis = Gf.Vec3f(random.random(), random.random(), random.random()).GetNormalized()
    halfangle = angle/2.0
    shalfangle = math.sin(halfangle)
    rotation = Gf.Quatf(math.cos(halfangle), axis[0]*shalfangle, axis[1]*shalfangle, axis[2]*shalfangle)


    return f"Set new world orientation on {path} to {rotation}"

Deforming a Mesh on the GPU with Warp

The USDRT Scenegraph API can leverage Fabric’s support for mirroring data to the GPU for array-type attributes with its implementation of VtArray. This is especially handy for integration with warp, NVIDIA’s open-source Python library for running Python code on the GPU with CUDA.

In addition to a fast path for transforms, OmniHydra also provides a fast rendering path for Mesh point data with Fabric. Any Mesh prim in Fabric with the Deformable tag will have its point data pulled from Fabric for rendering by OmniHydra, rather than the USD stage.

If you push the Deform it with Warp! button, the extension will apply a Warp kernel to the point data of any selected prim - this data modification will happen entirely on the GPU with CUDA, which makes it possible to do operations on substantial Mesh data in very little time. If you push the button repeatedly, you will see the geometry oscillate as the deformation kernel is repeatedly applied.

Torus mesh Deforming

The warp kernel used here is very simple, but it is possible to achieve beautiful and complex results with Warp. Warp is amazing!

from usdrt import Usd, Sdf, Gf, Vt, Rt

import warp as wp

def deform(positions: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), t: float):
    tid = wp.tid()

    x = positions[tid]
    offset = -wp.sin(x[0])
    scale = wp.sin(t)*10.0

    x = x + wp.vec3(0.0, offset*scale, 0.0)

    positions[tid] = x

def deform_mesh_with_warp(stage_id, path, time):
    """Use Warp to deform a Mesh prim
    if path is None:
        return "Nothing selected"

    stage = Usd.Stage.Attach(stage_id)
    prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(Sdf.Path(path))
    if not prim:
        return f"Prim at path {path} is not in Fabric"

    if not prim.HasAttribute("points"):
        return f"Prim at path {path} does not have points attribute"

    # Tell OmniHydra to render points from Fabric
    if not prim.HasAttribute("Deformable"):
        prim.CreateAttribute("Deformable", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.PrimTypeTag, True)

    points = prim.GetAttribute("points")
    pointsarray = points.Get()
    warparray = wp.array(pointsarray, dtype=wp.vec3, device="cuda")

        inputs=[warparray, time],


    return f"Deformed points on prim {path}"