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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCPhysxSchemaJointStateAPIThe PhysicsJointStateAPI is applied to a joint primitive (i.e
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxArticulationAPIPhysX articulation extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxArticulationForceSensorAPIPhysX articulation sensor to measure spatial force
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxAutoAttachmentAPIAuto generates the attachment points and filtering ids based on the attributes defined in the API
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxAutoParticleClothAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraAPIPhysX camera
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraDroneAPIPhysX drone camera that follows its subject from the air as it drives
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraFollowAPIPhysX camera that follows behind the subject as it moves
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraFollowLookAPIPhysX camera that follows behind the subject's forward vector as it moves
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCameraFollowVelocityAPIPhysX camera that follows behind the subject's velocity vector as it moves, which allows the subject to roll and tumble
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCharacterControllerAPIPhysxCharacterControllerAPI can be applied to a capsuleGeom
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCollisionAPIPhysX collision extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxContactReportAPIEnables contact reporting for a rigid body or articulation
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxConvexDecompositionCollisionAPIPhysX convex decomposition extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxConvexHullCollisionAPIPhysX convex hull collision extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxCookedDataAPIPhysX cooked data storage
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableAPIDo not apply
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableBodyAPIApplied to a UsdGeomMesh that is to be driven by a deformable body simulation
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableBodyMaterialAPIApplied to USD Material
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableSurfaceAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDeformableSurfaceMaterialAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxDiffuseParticlesAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxForceAPIPhysX schema API that applies a force and torque to a rigid body (UsdGeom.Xformable with UsdPhysicsRigidBodyAPI)
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxIsosurfaceAPIApplied to a PhysxParticleSystem
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxJointAPIPhysX joint extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxMaterialAPIPhysX material extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleAnisotropyAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleClothAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleIsosurfaceAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSamplingAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSetAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSmoothingAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxParticleSystemWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPBDMaterialAPIWARNING: This is a draft API; the design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsAttachmentRepresents attachments between physics actors, for example, between a rigid body and a deformable body, or a deformable body and a particle cloth
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsDistanceJointAPIPhysX distance joint extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsGearJointPredefined gear joint type
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxPhysicsRackAndPinionJointPredefined rack & pinion joint type
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxRigidBodyAPIPhysX rigid body extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSceneAPIPhysX scene extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxSDFMeshCollisionAPIPhysX SDF mesh extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAttachmentAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAttachmentLeafAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAttachmentRootAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAxisAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTendonAxisRootAPIWARNING: Draft API, this design is not fixed and may change in the future
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriangleMeshCollisionAPIPhysX triangle mesh extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriangleMeshSimplificationCollisionAPIPhysX triangle mesh simplification extended parameters
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriggerAPIPhysX trigger
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxTriggerStateAPIPhysX trigger state
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleAckermannSteeringAPIDescribes a steering system with Ackermann correction for two wheels
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleAPIPhysX vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleAutoGearBoxAPIProperties of the PhysX vehicle automatic gear shift box
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleBrakesAPIDescribes a braking system for a vehicle by specifying which wheels are connected to the brake control and by defining the brake torque that gets applied to those wheels
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleClutchAPIProperties of the PhysX vehicle clutch
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleContextAPIPhysX vehicles general settings
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleControllerAPIPhysX vehicle controller that samples user input to drive the vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleDriveBasicAPIVery simple drive model for a PhysX vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleDriveStandardAPIStandard drive model for a PhysX vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleEngineAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle engine
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleGearsAPIProperties of PhysX vehicle gears
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleMultiWheelDifferentialAPIDescribes which wheels of a vehicle are driven as well as the distribution of the drive torque among those wheels
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleSteeringAPIDescribes a steering system for a vehicle by specifying which wheels are connected to the steer control and by defining the maximum steer angle for those wheels (see PhysxVehicleControllerAPI for the steer control)
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleSuspensionAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle wheel suspension
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleSuspensionComplianceAPICompliance describes how toe and camber angle and force application points are affected by suspension compression
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTankControllerAPIPhysX vehicle tank controller to divert torque from the engine to the wheels of the tracks of a wheel based tank vehicle (see PhysxVehicleTankDifferentialAPI)
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTankDifferentialAPIDifferential to set up a wheeled tank vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTireAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle tire
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTireFrictionTableTable defining the friction values of a tire against a given set of ground materials
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleWheelAPIProperties of a PhysX vehicle wheel
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleWheelAttachmentAPIFor every wheel of a vehicle, this class defines the attachment properties
oCPhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleWheelControllerAPIPhysX wheel controller that samples user input and allows direct control of the wheel torques and steer angle to drive the vehicle
oCPhysxSchemaPlanePlane geometry primitive
oCPhysxSchemaTetrahedralMeshDescribes a tetrahedral mesh in 3D space
oCPhysxSchemaTokensTypePhysxSchemaTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API
oCUsdPhysicsArticulationRootAPIPhysicsArticulationRootAPI can be applied to a scene graph node, and marks the subtree rooted here for inclusion in one or more reduced coordinate articulations
oCUsdPhysicsCollisionAPIApplies collision attributes to a UsdGeomXformable prim
oCUsdPhysicsCollisionGroupDefines a collision group for coarse filtering
oCUsdPhysicsDistanceJointPredefined distance joint type (Distance between rigid bodies may be limited to given minimum or maximum distance.)
oCUsdPhysicsDriveAPIThe PhysicsDriveAPI when applied to any joint primitive will drive the joint towards a given target
oCUsdPhysicsFilteredPairsAPIAPI to describe fine-grained filtering
oCUsdPhysicsFixedJointPredefined fixed joint type (All degrees of freedom are removed.)
oCUsdPhysicsJointA joint constrains the movement of rigid bodies
oCUsdPhysicsLimitAPIThe PhysicsLimitAPI can be applied to a PhysicsJoint and will restrict the movement along an axis
oCUsdPhysicsMassAPIDefines explicit mass properties (mass, density, inertia etc.)
oCUsdPhysicsMaterialAPIDefines simulation material properties
oCUsdPhysicsMeshCollisionAPIAttributes to control how a Mesh is made into a collider
oCUsdPhysicsPrismaticJointPredefined prismatic joint type (translation along prismatic joint axis is permitted.)
oCUsdPhysicsRevoluteJointPredefined revolute joint type (rotation along revolute joint axis is permitted.)
oCUsdPhysicsRigidBodyAPIApplies physics body attributes to any UsdGeomXformable prim and marks that prim to be driven by a simulation
oCUsdPhysicsScenePrim to define general physics simulation properties
oCUsdPhysicsSphericalJointPredefined spherical joint type (Removes linear degrees of freedom, cone limit may restrict the motion in a given range.) It allows two limit values, which when equal create a circular, else an elliptic cone limit around the limit axis
\CUsdPhysicsTokensTypeUsdPhysicsTokens provides static, efficient TfTokens for use in all public USD API