
Python asyncio-centric testing system.

To create a test derive from omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase and add a method that starts with test_, like in unittest. Method can be either async or regular one. You can also derive from omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCaseFailOnLogError to make test fail automatically when any error is logged (carb.log_error()).

import omni.kit.test

class MyTest(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCaseFailOnLogError):
    async def setUp(self):

    async def tearDown(self):

    # Actual test, notice it is "async" function, so "await" can be used if needed
    async def test_hello(self):
        self.assertEqual(10, 10)

Test class must be defined in “tests” submodule of your public extension module. For example if your extension.toml defines:

name = "" should be a path to your test. Test system will automatically discover and import module. Using tests submodule of your extension module is a recommended way to organize tests. That keeps tests together with extension, but not too coupled with the actual module they test, so that they can import module with absolute path (e.g. import and test it the way user will see them.

Refer to omni.example.hello extension as a simplest example of extension with a python test.


For the settings refer to extension.toml file:

reloadable = false
order = -1000

title = "Testing System"
category = "Internal"

"omni.kit.async_engine" = {}
"omni.kit.loop" = {}
"omni.kit.pip_archive" = {}

name = "omni.kit.test"

path = "bin/*.plugin"


# Wait few updates (to allow all extensions to load), run tests to completion and quit.
exts."omni.kit.test".runTestsAndQuit = false

# Do not quit after. Failure won't be communicated with app return value, use for debugging only.
exts."omni.kit.test".doNotQuit = false

# Wait few updates (to allow all extensions to load), and print all tests in stdout and quit
exts."omni.kit.test".printTestsAndQuit = false

# Filter which tests to run: python's fnmatch is used. Use `*`, `?` etc. Test ids look like this [module].[class].[method].
# E.g.: "omni.client.tests.test_client.TestClient.test_list_async"
exts."omni.kit.test".includeTests = []
exts."omni.kit.test".excludeTests = []

# To select subset of tests to run uncomment specify string with wildcards to filter tests. `includeTests` and `excludeTests`
# above are used by extension testing system to select tests from extension in question. So for user filtering tests to run
# even further (within one extension) use this one: (Shortcut: `-f`)
exts."omni.kit.test".runTestsFilter = ""

# Path to output test data (logs, crash dumps, profile traces). Relative to CWD.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtOutputPath = "${omni_data}/_testoutput"

# Delete all content from output path before each test run
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtCleanOutputPath = false

# App used for extension tests
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtApp = "${kit}/apps/"

# Select test process ([[test]] entries) to run by name. (Shortcut: `-n`)
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtTestNameFilter = ""

# If passed extension is kit file it will replace `testExtApp` if true. If false treat kit file as regular extensions,
# allowing to run kit file in context of other app (kit file)
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtUseKitFileAsApp = true

# Run UI with list of python tests instead of autorunning them. Useful for running single tests. Shortcut: `--dev`
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtUIMode = false

# Extra args to pass to extension test process cmd
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtArgs = []

# Max ext test process to run at the same time, if < 0 use CPU count.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtMaxParallelProcesses = 1

# Capture profile trace for extension test process
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtEnableProfiler = false

# Read REPO_TEST_CONTEXT env var for 'changed_files'. If found, decide if test needs to run.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtCodeChangeAnalyzerEnabled = true

# Default extension test timeout (can be overriden by extensions), in seconds:
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtDefaultTimeout = 300

# Maximum timeout (applied if not 0) and applied after the override of extensions, in seconds:
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtMaxTimeout = 0

# If extension test process fails -> retry N times.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtRetryCount = 1

# By default don't run "unreliable" tests. If set to 1 run ONLY "unreliable" tests. If set to 2 then run both.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtRunUnreliableTests = 0

# Sync and include registry extensions for test run
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtUseRegistry = false

# Match versions by string comparison instead of semver rules. E.g. `` will match ``, but not
# `` if `true`.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtMatchVersionAsString = true

# Name for type of test run, used when building test id
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtTestType = ""

# Separate execution mode to generate test report from previous runs
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtGenerateReport = false

# Support for code coverage, the report will be generated after running all tests
exts."omni.kit.test".testExtGenerateCoverageReport = false

# List of extension to run test on. Runs separate process with single extension test for each of them. Wildcard can be
# used in both `testExts` and `excludeExts`.
exts."omni.kit.test".testExts = []
exts."omni.kit.test".excludeExts = [
    # NOTE: Look into repo.toml -> `[[]]` for the list of tests that runs

# Stdout parse fail patterns. Includes and excludes.
exts."omni.kit.test".stdoutFailPatterns.include = ["*[error]*", "*[fatal]*"]
exts."omni.kit.test".stdoutFailPatterns.exclude = [
	"*Leaking graphics objects*",  # Exclude grahics leaks until fixed
	"*leaking memory. Missing call to destroyResourceBindingSignature*",
    "*[carb.launcher.plugin] [parent]: timed out waiting for the child process*", # CC-507 carb.launchr intermittent error
    "*[carb.launcher.plugin] failed to fork the child process*", # CC-507 carb.launchr intermittent error
    "*[rtx.optixdenoising.plugin] [Optix] [DiskCacheDatabase] Failed to prepare statement: file is not a database*", # OM-50198 intermittent error, tests still pass
    "*[rtx.optixdenoising.plugin] [Optix] [WARNING] Error when configuring the database.*", # OM-50198 intermittent error, tests still pass

# Enables or disables Python test coverage
# Note that enabling coverage for an extension(s) will prevent it from debugging
# Use [[test]] section in the extension configuration to enable/disable it for the selected extension
# Ex:
# [[test]]
# pyCoverageEnabled = false
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageEnabled = false

# Code coverage threshold in percent: above or equal is good, below needs more test coverage.
# As a general guideline for extension coverage, 60% is acceptable, 75% is commendable and 90% is exemplary.
# If for a selected extension this option needs to be changed, use [[test]] section in the extension configuration
# Ex:
# [[test]]
# pyCoverageThreshold = 60
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageThreshold = 75

# Filter flags to include extensions modules and dependencies to the coverage filter
# Use [[test]] section in the extension configuration to modify it for the selected extension
# Ex:
# [[test]]
# pyCoverageIncludeDependencies = false
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageIncludeModules = true
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageIncludeDependencies = true
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageIncludeTestDependencies = false

# Sets a custom filter for paths/modules to collect coverage data from Python tests
# NOTE: if this option is set then the filter flags mentioned above will be ignored
# If for a selected extension this option needs to be changed, use [[test]] section in the extension configuration
# Ex:
# [[test]]
# pyCoverageFilter = ["some_module", "some_other_module", "some_path"]

# exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageFilter = []

# Omit files or path for the Coverage. The file name patterns follow typical shell syntax: * matches any number of characters and ? matches a single character.
# Patterns that start with a wildcard character are used as-is, other patterns are interpreted relative to the directory of the extension
# Ex:
# [[test]]
# pyCoverageOmit = ["path/to/", "/all_files_under_path/*"]

# exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageOmit = []

# Sets output formats for the Coverage report. Possible values are "stdout", "json", "html"
# If nothing is set then defaults to "json"
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageFormats = ["json", "html"]

# If this flag is true then previously collected Python internal coverage data will be loaded from
# coverage output dir and will be used during generation of the coverage report to produce a single combined JSON report
# file instead of several files
exts."omni.kit.test".pyCoverageCombinedReport = true

# Waiver for extensions with no tests
# Use [[test]] section in the extension configuration to set the reason
# Ex:
# [[test]]
# waiver = "Reason why the extension contains no test"

exts."omni.kit.test".testLibraries = []

# Test testing config itself, pass various test settings
args = ["--/extra_arg_passed/param=123"]
stdoutFailPatterns.exclude = [
    "*message will not fail*",
pythonTests.exclude = [
pythonTests.unreliable = [

# It has some tests, but many of the files have 0 coverage measured because of chicken and egg problem.
# It is hard to measure the coverage, because it starts coverage (and testing) itself. Also, being test system naturally
# most of it is tested by just using it for all other tests, hence lowering the threshold.
pyCoverageOmit = [
pyCoverageThreshold = 40

They can be used to filter, automatically run tests and quit.

API Reference

class omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase(methodName='runTest')

Base class for all async test cases.

Derive from it to make your tests auto discoverable. Test methods must start with test_ prefix.

fail_on_log_error = False
async run(result=None)
class omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCaseFailOnLogError(methodName='runTest')

Test Case which automatically subscribes to logging events and fails if any error were produced during the test.

This class is for backward compatibility, you can also just change value of fail_on_log_error.

fail_on_log_error = True
class omni.kit.test.AsyncTestSuite(tests=())

A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.

For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances. When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor.

async run(result, debug=False)
class omni.kit.test.ExtTest(ext_id: str, ext_info, test_config: Dict, test_id: str, is_parallel_run: bool, run_context: omni.kit.test.exttests.TestRunContext, test_app: omni.kit.test.exttests.TestApp, valid=True)
class omni.kit.test.ExtTestResult
class omni.kit.test.PyCoverageCollector

Initializes code coverage collections and saves collected data at Python interpreter exit

class PyCoverageSettings
class omni.kit.test.TestRunStatus(value)

An enumeration.

omni.kit.test.add_test_status_report_cb(callback: Callable[[str, omni.kit.test.test_reporters.TestRunStatus, Any], None])

Add callback to be called when tests start, fail, pass.


Get global extension test output path. It is shared for all extensions.

omni.kit.test.get_setting(path, default=None)

Get local extension test output path. It is unique for each extension test process.


Default function to get all current tests.

It gets tests from all enabled extensions, but also included include and exclude settings to filter them


tests_filter (str) – Additional filter string to apply on list of tests.


List of tests.

omni.kit.test.get_tests_from_modules(modules, log=False)

Return the list of tests registered or dynamically discovered from the list of modules

omni.kit.test.get_tests_to_remove_from_modules(modules, log=False)

Return the list of tests to be removed when a module is unloaded. This includes all tests registered or dynamically discovered from the list of modules and their .tests or .ogn.tests submodules. Keeping this separate from get_tests_from_modules() allows the import of all three related modules, while preventing duplication of their tests when all extension module tests are requested.


modules – List of modules to


Get the list of tests dynamically added to the given module directory (via “scan_for_test_modules”)

omni.kit.test.remove_test_status_report_cb(callback: Callable[[str, omni.kit.test.test_reporters.TestRunStatus, Any], None])

Remove callback to be called when tests start, fail, pass.

omni.kit.test.run_ext_tests(test_exts, on_finish_fn=None, on_status_report_fn=None, exclude_exts=[])
omni.kit.test.run_tests(tests=None, on_finish_fn=None, on_status_report_fn=None)