omni.ui.scene module

omni.ui.scene module documentation

omni.ui.scene module reference

class omni.ui_scene.scene.AbstractContainer

Base class for all the items that have children.

clear(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractContainer)None

Removes the container items from the container.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.AbstractGesture

The base class for the gestures to provides a way to capture mouse events in 3d scene.

class GesturePayload
property item_closest_point
property ray_closest_point
property ray_distance
property gesture_payload

Shortcut for sender.get_gesturePayload. OMNIUI_SCENE_API const*

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture.GesturePayload

Shortcut for sender.get_gesturePayload. OMNIUI_SCENE_API const*

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture.GesturePayload

Shortcut for sender.get_gesturePayload. OMNIUI_SCENE_API const*

property manager

The Manager that controld this gesture.

property name

The name of the object. It’s used for debugging.

process(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture)None

Process the gesture and call callbacks if necessary.

property state

Get the internal state of the gesture.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.AbstractItem
compute_visibility(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractItem)bool

Calculate the effective visibility of this prim, as defined by its most ancestral invisible opinion, if any.

property scene_view

The current SceneView this item is parented to.

transform_space(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractItem, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.Space, arg1: omni.ui_scene._scene.Space, arg2: handle)object

Transform the given point from the coordinate system fromspace to the coordinate system tospace.

property visible

This property holds whether the item is visible.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.AbstractManipulatorItem
class omni.ui_scene.scene.AbstractManipulatorModel

Bridge to data. Operates with double and int arrays. No strings. No tree, it’s a flat list of items. Manipulator requires the model has specific items.

add_item_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorItem], None])int

Adds the function that will be called every time the value changes. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback.

get_as_bool(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle)bool

Shortcut for get_as_ints that returns the first item of the list.

get_as_float(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle)float

Shortcut for get_as_floats that returns the first item of the list.

get_as_floats(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle)List[float]

Returns the Float values of the item.

get_as_int(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle)int

Shortcut for get_as_ints that returns the first item of the list.

get_as_ints(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle)List[int]

Returns the int values of the item.

get_item(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: str)omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorItem

Returns the items that represents the identifier.

remove_item_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: int)None

Remove the callback by its id.

### Arguments:

id :

The id that addValueChangedFn returns.

set_bool(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle, arg1: bool)None

Shortcut for set_ints that sets an array with the size of one.

set_float(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle, arg1: float)None

Shortcut for set_floats that sets an array with the size of one.

set_floats(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle, arg1: List[float])None

Sets the Float values of the item.

set_int(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle, arg1: int)None

Shortcut for set_ints that sets an array with the size of one.

set_ints(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: handle, arg1: List[int])None

Sets the int values of the item.

subscribe_item_changed_fn(self: AbstractManipulatorModel, arg0: Callable[[omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorModel, omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractManipulatorItem], None])carb._carb.Subscription

Adds the function that will be called every time the value changes. The id of the callback that is used to remove the callback.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.AbstractShape

Base class for all the items that can be drawn and intersected with mouse pointer.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

property gestures

All the gestures assigned to this shape.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractShape) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture.GesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractShape, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture.GesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Arc
property axis

The axis the circle plane is perpendicular to.

property begin

The start angle of the arc. Angle placement and directions are (0 to 90): Y to Z, Z to X, X to Y

property color

The color of the line.

property culling

Draw two radii of the circle.

property end

The end angle of the arc. Angle placement and directions are (0 to 90): Y to Z, Z to X, X to Y

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Arc) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.ArcGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Arc, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.ArcGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property intersection_thickness

The thickness of the line for the intersection.

property radius
property sector

Draw two radii of the circle.

property tesselation

Number of points on the curve.

property thickness

The thickness of the line.

property wireframe

When true, it’s a line. When false it’s a mesh.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.ArcGesturePayload
property angle
property culled
property distance_to_center
property moved
property moved_angle
property moved_distance_to_center
class omni.ui_scene.scene.AspectRatioPolicy







STRETCH = AspectRatioPolicy.STRETCH
property name

handle) -> str



class omni.ui_scene.scene.CameraModel

A model that holds projection and view matrices

property projection

The camera projection matrix.

property view

The camera projection matrix.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.ClickGesture

The gesture that provides a way to capture click mouse event.

call_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ClickGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the user releases the button.

has_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ClickGesture)bool

Called when the user releases the button.

property modifiers

The modifier that should be pressed to trigger this gesture.

property mouse_button

The mouse button this gesture is watching.

set_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ClickGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the user releases the button.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Color4
omni.ui_scene.scene.Cross(arg0: handle, arg1: handle)object
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Culling





BACK = Culling.BACK
NONE = Culling.NONE
property name

handle) -> str



class omni.ui_scene.scene.Curve

Represents the curve.

class CurveType




property name

handle) -> str



property colors

The list of colors which defines color per vertex. It has the same length as positions.

property curve_type

The curve interpolation type.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Curve) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.CurveGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Curve, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.CurveGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property intersection_thicknesses

The thickness of the line for the intersection.

property positions

The list of positions which defines the curve. It has at least two positions. The curve has len(positions)-1

property tesselation

The number of points per curve segment. It can’t be less than 2.

property tessellation

The number of points per curve segment. It can’t be less than 2.

property thicknesses

The list of thicknesses which defines thickness per vertex. It has the same length as positions.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.CurveGesturePayload
property curve_distance
property moved
property moved_distance
omni.ui_scene.scene.Dot(arg0: handle, arg1: handle)float
class omni.ui_scene.scene.DoubleClickGesture

The gesture that provides a way to capture double clicks.

call_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DoubleClickGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the user releases the button.

has_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DoubleClickGesture)bool

Called when the user releases the button.

set_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ClickGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the user releases the button.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.DragGesture

The gesture that provides a way to capture click-and-drag mouse event.

call_on_began_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the user starts drag.

call_on_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the user is dragging.

call_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the user releases the mouse and finishes the drag.

property check_mouse_moved

Check when the mouse is moved to call on_changed. Useful to filter events when the camera is moving.

has_on_began_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture)bool

Called when the user starts drag.

has_on_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture)bool

Called when the user is dragging.

has_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture)bool

Called when the user releases the mouse and finishes the drag.

property modifiers

The keyboard modifier that should be active ti start the gesture.

property mouse_button

Mouse button that should be active to start the gesture.

set_on_began_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the user starts drag.

set_on_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the user is dragging.

set_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.DragGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the user releases the mouse and finishes the drag.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.GestureManager

The object that controls batch processing and preventing of gestures. Typically each scene has a default manager and if the user wants to have own prevention logic, he can reimplement it.

amend_input(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureManager, arg0: omni::ui::scene::MouseInput)omni::ui::scene::MouseInput

Called once a frame. Should be overriden to inject own input to the gestures.

can_be_prevented(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureManager, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture)bool

Called per gesture. Determines if the gesture can be prevented.

should_prevent(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureManager, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture, arg1: omni.ui_scene._scene.AbstractGesture)bool

Called per gesture. Determines if the gesture should be prevented with another gesture. Useful to resolve intersections.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.GestureState









BEGAN = GestureState.BEGAN
ENDED = GestureState.ENDED
NONE = GestureState.NONE
property name

handle) -> str



class omni.ui_scene.scene.HoverGesture

The gesture that provides a way to capture event when mouse enters/leaves the item.

call_on_began_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the mouse enters the item.

call_on_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the mouse is hovering the item.

call_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the mouse leaves the item.

has_on_began_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture)bool

Called when the mouse enters the item.

has_on_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture)bool

Called when the mouse is hovering the item.

has_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture)bool

Called when the mouse leaves the item.

property modifiers

The modifier that should be pressed to trigger this gesture.

property mouse_button

The mouse button this gesture is watching.

set_on_began_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the mouse enters the item.

set_on_changed_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the mouse is hovering the item.

set_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.HoverGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the mouse leaves the item.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Image
class FillPolicy





property name

handle) -> str



property fill_policy

Define what happens when the source image has a different size than the item.

property image_provider

This property holds the image provider. It can be an omni: file:

property source_url

This property holds the image URL. It can be an omni: file:

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Label

Defines a standard label for user interface items

property alignment

This property holds the alignment of the label’s contents By default, the contents of the label are left-aligned and vertically-centered.

property color

The color of the text.

property size

The font size.

property text

This property holds the label’s text.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Line
property color

The line color.

property end

The end point of the line.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Line) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.LineGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Line, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.LineGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property intersection_thickness

The thickness of the line for the intersection.

property start

The start point of the line.

property thickness

The line thickness.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.LineGesturePayload
property line_closest_point
property line_distance
property moved
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Manipulator

The base object for the custom manipulators.

call_on_build_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator)None

Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.

property gestures

All the gestures assigned to this manipulator.

has_on_build_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator)bool

Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.

invalidate(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator)None

Make Manipulator dirty so onBuild will be executed in _preDrawContent.

property model

Returns the current model.

on_build(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator)None

Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.

on_model_updated(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractManipulatorModel::AbstractManipulatorItem)None

Called by the model when the model value is changed. The class should react to the changes.

### Arguments:

item :

The item in the model that is changed. If it’s NULL, the root is changed.

set_on_build_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, fn: Callable[[omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator], None])None

Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.ManipulatorGesture

The base class for the gestures to provides a way to capture events of the manipulator objects.

property sender

Returns the relevant shape driving the gesture.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Matrix44

Stores a 4x4 matrix of float elements. A basic type. Matrices are defined to be in row-major order. The matrix mode is required to define the matrix that resets the transformation to fit the geometry into NDC, Screen space, or rotate it to the camera direction.

get_inverse(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Matrix44)omni.ui_scene._scene.Matrix44
static get_rotation_matrix(x: float, y: float, z: float, degrees: bool = False)omni.ui_scene._scene.Matrix44

Creates a matrix to specify a rotation around each axis.

### Arguments:

degrees :

true if the angles are specified in degrees

static get_scale_matrix(x: float, y: float, z: float)omni.ui_scene._scene.Matrix44

Creates a matrix to specify a scaling with the given scale factor per axis.

static get_translation_matrix(x: float, y: float, z: float)omni.ui_scene._scene.Matrix44

Creates a matrix to specify a translation at the given coordinates.

property inversed
class omni.ui_scene.scene.MouseInput
property clicked
property double_clicked
property down
property modifiers
property mouse
property mouse_direction
property mouse_origin
property mouse_wheel
property released
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Points

Represents the point cloud.

property colors

List of colors of the points.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Points) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.PointsGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Points, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.PointsGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property intersection_sizes

The size of the points for the intersection.

property positions

List with positions of the points.

property sizes

List of point sizes.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.PointsGesturePayload
property closest_point
property distance_to_point
property moved
class omni.ui_scene.scene.PolygonMesh

Encodes a mesh.

property colors

Describes colors per vertex.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.PolygonMesh) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.PolygonMeshGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.PolygonMesh, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.PolygonMeshGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property intersection_thicknesses

The thickness of the line for the intersection.

property positions

The primary geometry attribute, describes points in local space.

property thicknesses

When wireframe is true, it defines the thicknesses of lines.

property vertex_counts

Provides the number of vertices in each face of the mesh, which is also the number of consecutive indices in vertex_indices that define the face. The length of this attribute is the number of faces in the mesh.

property vertex_indices

Flat list of the index (into the points attribute) of each vertex of each face in the mesh.

property wireframe

When true, the mesh is drawn as lines.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.PolygonMeshGesturePayload
property face_id
property s
property t
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Rectangle
property axis

The axis the rectangle is perpendicular to.

property color

The color of the line.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Rectangle) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.RectangleGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Rectangle, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.RectangleGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property height

The size of the rectangle.

property intersection_thickness

The thickness of the line for the intersection.

property thickness

The thickness of the line.

property width

The size of the rectangle.

property wireframe

When true, it’s a line. When false it’s a mesh.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.RectangleGesturePayload
property moved
property moved_s
property moved_t
property s
property t
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Scene

Represents the root of the scene and holds the shapes, gestures and managers.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.SceneView

The widget to render omni.ui.scene.

property aspect_ratio_policy

Define what happens when the aspect ratio of the camera is different from the aspect ratio of the widget.

property child_windows_input

When it’s false, the mouse events from other widgets inside the bounds are ignored. We need it to filter out mouse events from mouse events of widgets in ui.VStack(content_clipping=1).

get_ray_from_ndc(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.SceneView, ndc: omni.ui_scene._scene.Vector2)Tuple[omni.ui_scene._scene.Vector3, omni.ui_scene._scene.Vector3]

Convert NDC 2D [-1..1] coordinates to 3D ray.

property model

Returns the current model.

property projection

The camera projection matrix. It’s a shortcut for Matrix44(SceneView.model.get_as_floats(“projection”))

property scene

The container that holds the shapes, gestures and managers.

property screen_aspect_ratio

Aspect ratio of the rendering screen. This screen will be fit to the widget. SceneView simulates the behavior of the Kit viewport where the rendered image (screen) fits into the viewport (widget), and the camera has multiple policies that modify the camera projection matrix’s aspect ratio to match it to the screen aspect ratio. When screen_aspect_ratio is 0, Screen size matches the Widget bounds.

property view

The camera view matrix. It’s a shortcut for Matrix44(SceneView.model.get_as_floats(“view”))

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Screen

The empty shape that triggers all the gestures at any place. Is used to track gestures when the user clicked the empty space. For example for cameras.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Screen) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.ScreenGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Screen, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.ScreenGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.ScreenGesturePayload
property direction
property mouse
property mouse_moved
property moved
class omni.ui_scene.scene.ScrollGesture

The gesture that provides a way to capture mouse scroll event.

call_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ScrollGesture, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape)None

Called when the user scrolls.

has_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ScrollGesture)bool

Called when the user scrolls.

property modifiers

The modifier that should be pressed to trigger this gesture.

property mouse_button

The mouse button this gesture is watching.

property scroll

Returns the current scroll state.

set_on_ended_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.ScrollGesture, fn: Callable[[omni::ui::scene::AbstractShape], None])None

Called when the user scrolls.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.ShapeGesture

The base class for the gestures to provides a way to capture mouse events in 3d scene.

property sender
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Space







NDC = Space.NDC
property name

handle) -> str



class omni.ui_scene.scene.TexturedMesh

Encodes a polygonal mesh with free-form textures.

property gesture_payload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

get_gesture_payload(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.TexturedMesh) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.TexturedMeshGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection.

  1. get_gesture_payload(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.TexturedMesh, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.GestureState) -> omni.ui_scene._scene.TexturedMeshGesturePayload

Contains all the information about the intersection at the specific state.

property image_height

This property holds the image height

property image_provider

This property holds the image provider. It can be an omni: file:

property image_width

This property holds the image width

property source_url

This property holds the image URL. It can be an omni: file:

property uvs

This property holds the texture coordinates of the mesh.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.TexturedMeshGesturePayload
property u
property v
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Transform

Transforms children with component affine transformations.

class LookAt




property name

handle) -> str



property look_at

Rotates this transform to align the direction with the camera.

property scale_to

Which space the current transform will be rescaled before applying the matrix. It’s useful to make the object the same size regardless the distance to the camera.

property transform

Single transformation matrix.

class omni.ui_scene.scene.Vector2
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Vector3
class omni.ui_scene.scene.Widget

The shape that contains the omni.ui widgets. It automatically creates IAppWindow and transfers its content to the texture of the rectangle. It interacts with the mouse and sends the mouse events to the underlying window, so interacting with the UI on this rectangle is smooth for the user.

class FillPolicy





property name

handle) -> str



class UpdatePolicy





ALWAYS = UpdatePolicy.ALWAYS
property name

handle) -> str



property fill_policy

Define what happens when the source image has a different size than the item.

property frame

Return the main frame of the widget.

invalidate(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Widget)None

Rebuild and recapture the widgets at the next frame. If frame build_fn

property update_policy

Define when to redraw the widget.