Path Syntax

Syntax is: WindowName//WidgetPath


  • WindowName is a string (potentially containing spaces) but as far as I know, no special characters

  • WidgetPath is a set of “/” delineated Path Segments, each denoting either:

    • the identifier of a widget (obtained from widget.identifier)

    • the type of the widget, with an index [n] where n indicates that the widget is the parent widgets nth child of that type

e.g MyWindow//Frame/HStack[0]/VStack[1]/HStack[0]/Button[0]

This is used to refer directly to a single widget


  • in the future we may add additonal segments after WidgetPath to allow various widget models to be addressed or set

  • Currently every Window contains a “Frame” which can have a single child. We include the frame in the path, but perhaps this is redundant

Query Syntax

This is a variation of the Path syntax where any token can be replaced with:

  • * - find immediate children

  • ** - find children (recursively)

  • TypeName[*] - find immediate children of a specific type


We can also specify a predicate for a property on the widget at the end of the Query (used a dot to add the property) followed by the predicate e.g .text=="OK"

The predicate can be any valid python expression


widgets = InspectorQuery.find_widgets("the_window//Frame/**/Button[*].name=='Button3'")
widgets = InspectorQuery.find_widgets("the_window//Frame/**/Button[*].identifier=='ButtonX'")